Summer Meal Sites

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Summer Meal Sites

Internet/website access:
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) manages the Summer Meal Site Locator. It is a free, web-based application that features an easily-searchable map to help locate sites serving summer meals throughout the country and is available in Spanish and English. Anyone can use this map to find summer meal sites near them. To get started, type in a city, zip code or address. The tool will display the summer meal sites nearby. Just click on any blue dot to see where the site is located, when it is open, and contact information. Users can also access the link on mobile devices.
For more information on Minnesota’s Summer Food Program: [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Internet/website access:
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) manages the Summer Meal Site Locator. It is a free, web-based application that features an easily-searchable map to help locate sites serving summer meals throughout the country and is available in Spanish and English. Anyone can use this map to find summer meal sites near them. To get started, type in a city, zip code or address. The tool will display the summer meal sites nearby. Just click on any blue dot to see where the site is located, when it is open, and contact information. Users can also access the link on mobile devices.

For more information on Minnesota’s Summer Food Program:

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