Farm to Summer


Why Summer Meal Programs are Ripe for
Local Foods and Agriculture-Based Activities

Summer is a time of agricultural abundance: plump stone fruits hang heavy on trees, juicy melons and tomatoes explode from their vines, beans begin to dry in their pods, and livestock fed on the most nutritious spring grasses produce delicious meat and dairy products. In most areas of the United States, local harvests peak in the warmest months, just as the school year draws to a close. Luckily for local farmers and kids that participate in school meal programs, an increasing number of sites operating USDA’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) are capitalizing on the many opportunities that summer brings to offer fresh, local foods and outdoor activities that help children develop healthy habits.


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Farm to Summer

Why Summer Meal Programs are Ripe for Local Foods and Agriculture-Based Activities Summer is a time of agricultural abundance: plump stone fruits hang heavy on trees, juicy melons and tomatoes explode from their vines, beans begin to dry in their pods, and livestock fed on the most nutritious spring grasses produce delicious meat and dairy products. In most areas of the United States, local harvests peak in the warmest months, just as the school year draws to a close. Luckily for local farmers and kids that participate in school meal programs, an increasing number of sites operating USDA’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) are capitalizing on the many opportunities that summer brings to offer fresh, local foods and outdoor activities that help children develop healthy habits.



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