2016 CSA is on it’s Way! From recruiting CSA members to meeting with chefs, we are busy planning for an abundant 2016 season at Big River Farms. This year we will introduce five traditional  ethnic crops to be featured in our CSA boxes along with recipes to spark interest – you will not want to miss out! Big River Farm growers operate independent farm businesses with support from the Minnesota Food Association in the form of land, tools, training and technical assistance. CSA members are supporting multiple farmers through their investment. Become a member today! Share information: - Every week share: $650 delivery, $600 farm pickup 18 weekly, full box deliveries
- Every other week share: $360 delivery, $335 farm pickup 9 every other week, full box deliveries
- Fruit Share: $510 delivery/farm pickup 9 weeks of organic fruit, provided through a partnership with FruitShareTM and delivered every other week.
- Fall Harvest Share: $135 delivery, $125 farm pickup 3 weeks of organic storage vegetables for the end of October and early November
Delivery Neighborhoods: Minneapolis Nokomis, Butter Bakery, Mayflower Church St. Paul Dayton’s Bluff, Highland Park, Midway East Metro Mahtomedi, Roseville, Maplewood, Woodbury, Stillwater For more detailed information about our delicious CSA shares go to: http://mnfoodassociation.org/our-csa |
In This Issue:Immigrant and Minority Farmers Conference Farmer Training Program Update Support MFA Graduates New Face at MFA CSA Sign-up Information and Update 
Upcoming Events Schedule of Local Events |