Green House Project

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Campaign Materials

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Green House Project

Green House Project: The Community-wide Coalition. Another important project that deserves to be highlighted is the Greenhouse Development Project.  Our partner Project Sweetie Pie leads the planning process to engage North side community members and other stakeholders to design the Greenhouse and Retail Building at the intersection of Humboldt and Dowling at North Mpls – how could be adapted and used for localized food production and processing, job training, and green therapy.  Overall, the Project goal is to turn the Green House structure into a year-round food production and food processing operation that can become a nationwide model for community engagement centered around healthy food.   BALL is excited to be part of this project to introduce Hmong famers about the green house idea, and also giving the community another venue of healthy eating, education and learning the green lifestyle.   Especially since, the community has been engaged in the beginning of this project, as one members said: “It is new to get the voice of the community before the project is done. Usually, the community hears about projects after the fact.”   Words such as “Go Green!” “Rethink, Recycle!”, “Organics!” and “Composting” will be foundation of their project; besides, having the green house being built.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Green House Project: The Community-wide Coalition. Another important project that deserves to be highlighted is the Greenhouse Development Project.  Our partner Project Sweetie Pie leads the planning process to engage North side community members and other stakeholders to design the Greenhouse and Retail Building at the intersection of Humboldt and Dowling at North Mpls – how could be adapted and used for localized food production and processing, job training, and green therapy.  Overall, the Project goal is to turn the Green House structure into a year-round food production and food processing operation that can become a nationwide model for community engagement centered around healthy food.

BALL is excited to be part of this project to introduce Hmong famers about the green house idea, and also giving the community another venue of healthy eating, education and learning the green lifestyle.   Especially since, the community has been engaged in the beginning of this project, as one members said: “It is new to get the voice of the community before the project is done. Usually, the community hears about projects after the fact.”

Words such as “Go Green!” “Rethink, Recycle!”, “Organics!” and “Composting” will be foundation of their project; besides, having the green house being built.

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