Chinese American Academic & Professional Association in MN (CAAPAM) Seminar – April 16, 2016

明州華人學術聯誼會 (CAAPAM) 敬邀您及您的家人和朋友參加本會四月份的免費公開講座

Chinese American Academic & Professional Association in MN (CAAPAM) cordially invites you to CAAPAM’s monthly seminar of April.  This seminar is free and open to the public.


講題 (Title):  飲用水安全  (Drinking Water Safety)

時間  (Time):  416日下午2  (2:00 p.m., Saturday, April 16, 2016)

地點  (Place):  Room 202, St. Paul Student Center, U of MN
(2017 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108)

講員  (Speaker):  王莉茵 (Lih-in W. Rezania)

王莉茵女士任職於明尼蘇達州衛生署,是明州衛生署飲用水保護科的首席公共衛生工程師,也是美國自來水業中對飲水減鉛處理的技術專家。她對於病源性微生物的處理与去除的新技術及水質和保健水準的提昇也別有心得。她的講座專題是〝飲用水安全〞,除了淺談美國飲用水章程,水品質標準和公共衛生之外,她會對 Flint Michigan 水鉛及血鉛問題的來龍去末作深入討論。
Mrs. Lin-In Rezania is a Principal Public Health Engineer, Drinking Water Protection Section of Minnesota Department of Health, State of Minnesota since 1999.  Lih-in’s a nationally-recognized expert in her field, best known for her works in corrosion control treatment reducing lead/copper in drinking water. Her areas of specialties include rule implementation, water chemistry, quality and processes optimization, alternative technology evaluation, and simultaneous compliance. Her work has helped making Minnesota’s drinking water program one of the best-regarded drinking water programs in the United States.
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明州華人學術聯誼會 (CAAPAM) 敬邀您及您的家人和朋友參加本會四月份的免費公開講座
Chinese American Academic & Professional Association in MN (CAAPAM) cordially invites you to CAAPAM’s monthly seminar of April.  This seminar is free and open to the public.
講題 (Title):  飲用水安全  (Drinking Water Safety) 時間  (Time):  416日下午2  (2:00 p.m., Saturday, April 16, 2016) 地點  (Place):  Room 202, St. Paul Student Center, U of MN (2017 Buford Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108) 講員  (Speaker):  王莉茵 (Lih-in W. Rezania)
王莉茵女士任職於明尼蘇達州衛生署,是明州衛生署飲用水保護科的首席公共衛生工程師,也是美國自來水業中對飲水減鉛處理的技術專家。她對於病源性微生物的處理与去除的新技術及水質和保健水準的提昇也別有心得。她的講座專題是〝飲用水安全〞,除了淺談美國飲用水章程,水品質標準和公共衛生之外,她會對 Flint Michigan 水鉛及血鉛問題的來龍去末作深入討論。
Mrs. Lin-In Rezania is a Principal Public Health Engineer, Drinking Water Protection Section of Minnesota Department of Health, State of Minnesota since 1999.  Lih-in’s a nationally-recognized expert in her field, best known for her works in corrosion control treatment reducing lead/copper in drinking water. Her areas of specialties include rule implementation, water chemistry, quality and processes optimization, alternative technology evaluation, and simultaneous compliance. Her work has helped making Minnesota’s drinking water program one of the best-regarded drinking water programs in the United States.

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