Healthy Food
North Minneapolis has long been recognized as the food desert, lack of fresh food access. BALL has partnered with area Green Movement to develop community gardens around the Northside, where participants share in the maintenance and products of the gardens, to increase access to healthful and affordable fresh fruits and vegetables. According to CDC, Gardens may offer physical and mental health benefits by providing opportunities to:- Eat healthy fresh fruits and vegetables
- Engage in physical activity, skill building, and creating green space
- Beautify vacant lots
- Decrease violence in Northside neighborhoods, and improve social well-being through strengthening social connections.
Campaign Materials
Healthy Food
North Minneapolis has long been recognized as the food desert, lack of fresh food access. BALL has partnered with the area Green Movement to develop community gardens around the Northside, where participants share in the maintenance and products of the gardens, to increase access to healthful and affordable fresh fruits and vegetables. According to CDC, Gardens may offer physical and mental health benefits by providing opportunities to:
- Eat healthy fresh fruits and vegetables
- Engage in physical activity, skill-building, and creating green space
- Beautify vacant lots
- Decrease violence in Northside neighborhoods, and improve social well-being through strengthening social connections.
Additionally, BALL has encouraged access to farmer markets and area organic grocery store development.
If you wonder where to buy organic and local food, or you want to organize a community garden, this Section will provide you with resources about local produce, urban gardens, farmer market, healthy ethnic dishes, etc.