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Webinar on Engaging Youth in Underage Drinking Prevention; $500 Planning Stipends Still Available

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Register for the June 15 Webinar on Engaging Youth in Underage Drinking Prevention; $500 Planning Stipends Still Available


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Register Today for the June 15 Webinar on Engaging Youth in Underage Drinking Prevention

As community-based organizations, as well as colleges and universities, hold events for National Prevention Week (May 15–21) and Communities Talk: Town Hall Meetings To Prevent Underage Drinking , the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) will hold a webinar on Engaging Youth in Underage Drinking Prevention on June 15 from2-3 p.m. EDT. The webinar will address strategies for organizations who wish to engage youth in prevention, but have not yet started.

The webinar will feature Lynne Goodwin, M.P.A., who has more than 20 years of experience in the prevention field, working at local, state, and national levels on underage and binge drinking, policy, youth development, and environmental prevention initiatives. Ms. Goodwin is program director of the statewideCalifornia Friday Night Live Partnership,external link disclaimer which builds partnerships for positive and healthy youth development and engages youth as active leaders and resources in their communities. Friday Night Live Chapters are active, biennial participants in Communities Talk.

For more information and to register to participate in the webinar, visit

Planning Stipends Still Available for Underage Drinking Prevention Events

Planning stipends of $500 are still available for organizations who wish to hold an event to prevent underage drinking as part of Communities Talk: Town Hall Meetings To Prevent Underage Drinking. SAMHSA encourages hosts to hold events to build momentum around a national dialogue about underage drinking prevention. While many organizations hold events in the spring, events can be held anytime in 2016. Read the underage drinking prevention planning calendar for a list of observances.

If you have not yet received an invitation, but would like to participate, please send your organization namecontact namecontact e-mail address, and phone number, as well as a national affiliate organization (e.g., SAMHSA grantee) to


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