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Bicultural Scorecard for Healthcare Facility

The Scorecard measures and collects information in regards to Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Green Prescription (Green Rx).   PLC has successfully:

  • Connected with clinics in North Minneapolis and those who serve patients in North Minneapolis about Scorecards. Although no solid partnership in place. We were still able to create diverse conversations.
  • Three health clinics completed the Scorecards.
  • Connected with Minnesota Parks and Recs about Green Prescription.

Scorecard are filled out on behalf of the Clinic by the health professionals, such as: Patrician Nurse, Diabetic Nurse, Family Physician, etc., all have over 5 years involvement with communities of color and employed in the health care field for over 10 years.   The Scorecard is divided into 6 categories:


  • Knowledge of DiverseCommunities: The Knowledge of Diverse Communities subscale consists of eleven questions. It concerns knowledge of the identified cultural groups, how they differ internally and how they differ from the dominant culture. Its central focus is organization policy that takes into consideration cultural beliefs, strengths, vulnerabilities, community demographics and contextual realities. Responses to these items can range from “not at all” to “Very Well”.


  • GreenPrescription: The Green Prescription (Green Rx) is a health professional’s written advice to a patient to be physically active, as part of the patient’s health management.  It involves organizational commitment to advocate healthy lifestyle of being physically active and promotes healthy diets among practices of delivering health care services. Responses range from “not at all” to “very often”.


  • Resources andLinkages: The Resources and Linkages subscale consists of four items. It concerns the ability of an organization and its staff to effectively utilize both formalized and natural networks of support within culturally diverse communities to develop an integrated primary care, community-based health systems. The focus is organizational policy that promotes and maintains such linkages through structures and resources. Responses range from “not at all” to “very often”.


  • Clinical Practice: The Clinical Practices subscale consists of eight items. It consists the ability of the organization and its staff to adapt approaches to health care delivery based on cultural, and linguistic differences. It focuses on assessment/diagnosis, the provision of interpretation/translation services and use of community-based resources, and adaption based on literacy and health literacy levels. Responses rage from “never to regularly”.


  • Engagement of DiverseCommunities: The Engagement of Diverse Communities subscale consists of three items. It involves the nature and scope of activities conducted by an agency and its staff to engage diverse communities in health and mental health promotion and disease prevention. Responses range from “never to regularly”.
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Bicultural Scorecard for Healthcare Facility

We have successfully developed a North Mpls Clinics Resource List, and have done outreach to 2 clinics (Freemont Clinic and North Point Health Wellness Center) for partnership.  Our Partner Pathway Learning Center has taken the initiative to create a Scorecard that surveys clinics and health professionals who serve patients in North Minneapolis for their cultural competence level.   The Scorecard measures and collects information in regards to Cross-Cultural Collaboration and Green Prescription (Green Rx).   PLC has successfully:
  • Connected with clinics in North Minneapolis and those who serve patients in North Minneapolis about Scorecards. Although no solid partnership in place. We were still able to create diverse conversations.
  • Three health clinics completed the Scorecards.
  • Connected with Minnesota Parks and Recs about Green Prescription.
  Scorecard are filled out on behalf of the Clinic by the health professionals, such as: Patrician Nurse, Diabetic Nurse, Family Physician, etc., all have over 5 years involvement with communities of color and employed in the health care field for over 10 years.   The Scorecard is divided into 6 categories:  
  • Knowledge of DiverseCommunities: The Knowledge of Diverse Communities subscale consists of eleven questions. It concerns knowledge of the identified cultural groups, how they differ internally and how they differ from the dominant culture. Its central focus is organization policy that takes into consideration cultural beliefs, strengths, vulnerabilities, community demographics and contextual realities. Responses to these items can range from “not at all” to “Very Well”.
  • GreenPrescription: The Green Prescription (Green Rx) is a health professional’s written advice to a patient to be physically active, as part of the patient’s health management.  It involves organizational commitment to advocate healthy lifestyle of being physically active and promotes healthy diets among practices of delivering health care services. Responses range from “not at all” to “very often”.
  • Resources andLinkages: The Resources and Linkages subscale consists of four items. It concerns the ability of an organization and its staff to effectively utilize both formalized and natural networks of support within culturally diverse communities to develop an integrated primary care, community-based health systems. The focus is organizational policy that promotes and maintains such linkages through structures and resources. Responses range from “not at all” to “very often”.
  • Clinical Practice: The Clinical Practices subscale consists of eight items. It consists the ability of the organization and its staff to adapt approaches to health care delivery based on cultural, and linguistic differences. It focuses on assessment/diagnosis, the provision of interpretation/translation services and use of community-based resources, and adaption based on literacy and health literacy levels. Responses rage from “never to regularly”.
  • Engagement of DiverseCommunities: The Engagement of Diverse Communities subscale consists of three items. It involves the nature and scope of activities conducted by an agency and its staff to engage diverse communities in health and mental health promotion and disease prevention. Responses range from “never to regularly”.

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