Passing the BALL we are in this together

Posters For Parks Artist Opportunity

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We are recruiting prospective artists for the first ever Posters for Parks show – a joint effort of and People for Parks. The show, featuring posters inspired by Minneapolis parks, will take place at Lakes & Legends Brewing Company on Thursday, October 13.


If you are interested in participating, just complete the form you will find here:


Additional Information:

  • Artists selected for the show will be asked to produce one original poster design and provide:
    • 2 display proofs (which become property of
    • At least 30 copies for sale (max: 100)
  • Artists are responsible for printing their own posters.
  • Posters must be produced using screen-printing, letterpress, woodcut, or other printmaking method.
  • All posters will be priced at $40.
    • 50% of all sales will be donated to People for Parks, a non-profit organization created to stimulate financial and community support for Minneapolis Parks.
    • 50% will go to the artist.
  • All posters must be printed on 18” x 24” paper (landscape or portrait).
  • Unsold prints will be returned to the artist.


The Call for Artists will close on Friday, July 22. We will review all submissions and announce the final artist roster early the following week.



Derrick Taylor

Co-founder | Sales & Marketing

Lakes & Legends Brewing Company



#LakesandLegends || #Loveyourbeer

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