Green Partners Newsletter March/April 2016


Green Partners






Community resource fairs and workshops

Hennepin County Environment and Energy staff and volunteers will be at the following events to answer your questions on waste reduction and recycling, composting, land and water, household hazardous waste and more.

Sign up to volunteer to monitor water quality


Volunteer to monitor wetlands

Hennepin County is looking for volunteers to help assess water quality and the health our ecosystems through the Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP). Adult volunteers with an interest in wetlands, bugs, plants and protecting water quality are needed. Volunteers do not need to have a science background or previous experience; Hennepin County provides all of the training, equipment, and leadership.

Volunteer applications will be accepted through June 15, 2016.



Get your youth group involved

Get your hands dirty and feet wet this spring with River Watch, a stream monitoring program for school classes and youth groups. The program provides a hands-on opportunity for students to learn about assessing water quality and how our actions influence the health of local lakes, rivers and streams.

For more information about getting involved in WHEP or River Watch, contact Mary Karius at or 612-596-9129.

Resources to promote organics recycling


The City of Minneapolis will begin delivering organics recycling carts to residents who have signed up for residential organics recycling program this week.

The following resources are available to prepare people who have already signed up and to encourage others to participate:

Create your own recycling sorting activity

Interested in teaching your group or organization more about recycling? Create your own customized sorting activity with Hennepin County’s new do-it-yourself Recycling Sorting Activity guides. Groups can use the activity to sort through waste and decide which items are recyclable, compostable or trash.

Visit for more information.




Green Partners Networking Meeting: Avoiding Gender Bias in Environmental Education

Thursday, May 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. (optional networking from 4 to 4:30 p.m.). Location TBD. 

Join us to learn how to avoid gender bias in outdoor and environmental education. Hennepin County environmental educator, Angie Ziobro, will engage participants in interactive activities and discussions about gender bias in education. Participants learn how to identify, avoid and address gender bias in education and programming. Networking meetings are open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Patience Caso at or 612-348-9352.


Hazardous waste collection events

Hazardous waste collection events

Hennepin County organizes collection events to give residents more convenient local options for disposing of household hazardous wastes. Materials accepted include unwanted automotive wastes, household, lawn and garden products, batteries, mercury-containing items and more.

Eight collection events are scheduled throughout the county beginning in May. Collection events are held Thursday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. See the event schedule and get details about locations and materials accepted.

Spread the word: Download a flyer, social media posts, newsletter article and images to promote the hazardous waste collection events – find resources under current campaigns.


Fix-It Clinics


Come see what the Fix-It Clinic hype is all about at the next clinic on Saturday, April 23. Fix-It Clinics provide an opportunity for residents to get free, guided assistance from handy volunteers on disassembling, troubleshooting and repairing small household appliances, clothing, electronics, mobile devices and more.

Spread the word: Download a flyer, social media posts, newsletter article and images to promote the Fix-It Clinics – find resources under recycling and reducing waste, or share the recent feature on Hennepin County’s new storytelling website.

Lend a helping hand: Volunteer fixers who have skills in electrical, mechanical or electronics repair, wood working, sewing or general tinkering are essential to making the clinics successful.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Nancy Lo at or 612-348-9195.





Capture and reuse rain water by purchasing a rain barrel

Installing a rain barrel allows you to capture rain water that can be reused on your lawn or garden and protect water by reducing the amount of stormwater runoff flowing into local lakes and rivers. The Recycling Association of Minnesota is offering rain barrels at discounted rates for pick-up at a distribution events in April or May in Minneapolis, Plymouth, St. Louis Park and other metro area locations. Learn more and pre-order a rain barrel.


Need more info? Attend a rain garden and green yard workshop

Metro Blooms offers workshops for residents to learn simple changes they can make on their properties that helps protect clean water and create healthy habitats. The low-cost workshops include the latest information in healthy yard care practices, a do-it-yourself approach to rain garden design and installation, and an opportunity to receive assistance from landscape designers and Master Gardeners. Workshops are scheduled throughout April and May in Brooklyn Center, Champlin, Edina, Minneapolis and Plymouth. Learn more and RSVP.

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Campaign Materials

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Green Partners



Community resource fairs and workshops

Hennepin County Environment and Energy staff and volunteers will be at the following events to answer your questions on waste reduction and recycling, composting, land and water, household hazardous waste and more.

Sign up to volunteer to monitor water quality


Volunteer to monitor wetlands

Hennepin County is looking for volunteers to help assess water quality and the health our ecosystems through the Wetland Health Evaluation Program (WHEP). Adult volunteers with an interest in wetlands, bugs, plants and protecting water quality are needed. Volunteers do not need to have a science background or previous experience; Hennepin County provides all of the training, equipment, and leadership.

Volunteer applications will be accepted through June 15, 2016.


Get your youth group involved

Get your hands dirty and feet wet this spring with River Watch, a stream monitoring program for school classes and youth groups. The program provides a hands-on opportunity for students to learn about assessing water quality and how our actions influence the health of local lakes, rivers and streams.

For more information about getting involved in WHEP or River Watch, contact Mary Karius at or 612-596-9129.

Resources to promote organics recycling


The City of Minneapolis will begin delivering organics recycling carts to residents who have signed up for residential organics recycling program this week.

The following resources are available to prepare people who have already signed up and to encourage others to participate:

Create your own recycling sorting activity

Interested in teaching your group or organization more about recycling? Create your own customized sorting activity with Hennepin County’s new do-it-yourself Recycling Sorting Activity guides. Groups can use the activity to sort through waste and decide which items are recyclable, compostable or trash.

Visit for more information.



Green Partners Networking Meeting: Avoiding Gender Bias in Environmental Education

Thursday, May 12 from 2 to 4 p.m. (optional networking from 4 to 4:30 p.m.). Location TBD. 

Join us to learn how to avoid gender bias in outdoor and environmental education. Hennepin County environmental educator, Angie Ziobro, will engage participants in interactive activities and discussions about gender bias in education. Participants learn how to identify, avoid and address gender bias in education and programming. Networking meetings are open to the public. Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP to Patience Caso at or 612-348-9352.

Hazardous waste collection events

Hazardous waste collection events

Hennepin County organizes collection events to give residents more convenient local options for disposing of household hazardous wastes. Materials accepted include unwanted automotive wastes, household, lawn and garden products, batteries, mercury-containing items and more.

Eight collection events are scheduled throughout the county beginning in May. Collection events are held Thursday – Saturday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. See the event schedule and get details about locations and materials accepted.

Spread the word: Download a flyer, social media posts, newsletter article and images to promote the hazardous waste collection events – find resources under current campaigns.

Fix-It Clinics


Come see what the Fix-It Clinic hype is all about at the next clinic on Saturday, April 23. Fix-It Clinics provide an opportunity for residents to get free, guided assistance from handy volunteers on disassembling, troubleshooting and repairing small household appliances, clothing, electronics, mobile devices and more.

Spread the word: Download a flyer, social media posts, newsletter article and images to promote the Fix-It Clinics – find resources under recycling and reducing waste, or share the recent feature on Hennepin County’s new storytelling website.

Lend a helping hand: Volunteer fixers who have skills in electrical, mechanical or electronics repair, wood working, sewing or general tinkering are essential to making the clinics successful.

For more information or to volunteer, contact Nancy Lo at or 612-348-9195.



Capture and reuse rain water by purchasing a rain barrel

Installing a rain barrel allows you to capture rain water that can be reused on your lawn or garden and protect water by reducing the amount of stormwater runoff flowing into local lakes and rivers. The Recycling Association of Minnesota is offering rain barrels at discounted rates for pick-up at a distribution events in April or May in Minneapolis, Plymouth, St. Louis Park and other metro area locations. Learn more and pre-order a rain barrel.

Need more info? Attend a rain garden and green yard workshop

Metro Blooms offers workshops for residents to learn simple changes they can make on their properties that helps protect clean water and create healthy habitats. The low-cost workshops include the latest information in healthy yard care practices, a do-it-yourself approach to rain garden design and installation, and an opportunity to receive assistance from landscape designers and Master Gardeners. Workshops are scheduled throughout April and May in Brooklyn Center, Champlin, Edina, Minneapolis and Plymouth. Learn more and RSVP.


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Campaign Materials