Good Food Access Program Advisory Committee accepting applications

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Monday, June 13, 2016

Good Food Access Program Advisory Committee accepting applications

New program created during 2016 legislative session

            ST. PAUL, Minn. – The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is the home of the Good Food Access Program (GFAP) which was established during the 2016 legislative session. The first order of business is to make initial appointments to the GFAP Advisory Committee. 

The GFAP Advisory Committee will assist the Commissioner of Agriculture in establishing program criteria, project eligibility guidelines, application processes and additional selection criteria, andannual monitoring and accountability mechanisms. The Advisory Committee will also facilitateleveraging of additional public and private investments, and promote the program statewide. The advisory committee must meet at least twice per year.

The GFAP was established to increase the availability of and access to affordable, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food, including fresh fruits and vegetables, for underserved communities in low-income and moderate-income areas. To accomplish this, the program will provide a combination of financial and technical assistance to open, renovate, or expand the operations of grocery stores and small food retailers, expand access to credit, and reduce barriers to investment in underserved communities in low- and moderate-income areas.

The GFAP Advisory Committee needs representatives of the following categories:

·         Grocery industry (1)

·         Economic or community development, (1) rural and (1) urban or suburban

·         Political subdivisions of the state (2)

·         Public health experts (1)

·         Philanthropic foundations (1)

·         Economic or community development financial institutions (1)

·         The University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships (1)

·         Organizations engaged in addressing food security (2)

·         Statewide hunger relief organization (1)

·         Community-based organization (1)

·         Immigrant farmer-led organization (1)

·         Small business technical assistance with experience in food retail (1)

·         Members with economic development, health equity, financial, or other relevant experience (up to 4)

Vacancies will be filled through the state’s Open Appointments process. The application form is available online at or by calling the Secretary of State’s office at (651) 297-5845. We ask applicants to identify the category/sector they want to represent and strongly encourage them to submit a cover letter describing their interest and qualifications.

The Commissioner of Agriculture will appoint GFAP Advisory Committee members. Applicants who submit their materials by June 28 will receive first consideration.


CONTACT: Alauna Yust, MDA Communications

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625 Robert St. N. • St. Paul, MN 55155-2538 • 1-800-967-2474
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this information is available in alternative forms of communication upon request by calling 651-201-6000. TTY users can call the Minnesota Relay Service at 711.

The MDA is an equal opportunity employer and provider.

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