Make Sure Your Heart is Safe!

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Parent Heart Watch & Heart Safe Plymouth

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Thursday, September 1st | 6:00-7:30
At Mini-Hops Gymnastics

Join Heart Safe Plymouth, the Rotary Club of Plymouth and Mini-Hops Gymnastics in becoming a Heart Safe Community. This free event helps save lives by providing awareness and training for The Cardiac Chain of Survival:

Preventing Death from Sudden Cardiac Arrest
Educating Citizens about Cardiac Arrest
Providing Knowledge on AED usage and Hands Only Bystander CPR
Early Advanced Care by Paramedics
Post Cardiac Arrest Care

Doors open for check in at 6pm, class starts at 6:30pm. This class is through the American Heart Association, and each participant will receive a card from the Plymouth Rotary Club that is good for two years of certification.

As a part of this event, Mini-Hops will be collecting donations to purchase our own AED. As you sign up, please consider a donation of $15 or more to help us purchase this essential equipment to keep you and your families safe at MHG.

Child care available for ages 4+.
Reserve a spot for childcare here!

Invite Friends & Family Here

RSVP & Donate Here


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