Senior LinkAge Line video campaign now available in Hmong, Somali, Spanish and Russian languages

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News Release – Board partners with ECHO to expand offerings to non-English speaking older adults, families

Minnesota Board on Aging - News Release

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July 29, 2016

Katie Everist

Board partners with ECHO to expand offerings to non-English speaking older adults, families

Senior LinkAge Line video campaign now available in Hmong, Somali, Spanish and Russian languages

speaking Minnesotans now have a new resource to find the critical assistance
they may need. A video titled “What is Senior LinkAge Line?” has been created
in Hmong, Somali, Spanish and Russian in addition to English to inform
Minnesota’s older non-English speaking residents and their families about the

videos were created in partnership with the Minnesota Board on Aging and ECHO,
a non-profit organization that helps bridge the communications gap for
Minnesota immigrants and refugees.

LinkAge Line serves about 120,000 people through more than 270,000 contacts
each year.  Since the videos premiered on
TPT’s Minnesota Channel in May, they have been viewed nearly 1,000 times,
primarily in Somali as well as Hmong, Russian, Spanish and English.

have been excited to partner with ECHO and TPT to improve Senior LinkAge Line’s
outreach to Minnesota’s non-English speaking population,” said Kari Benson,
executive director of the Minnesota Board on Aging and director of Aging and
Adult Services for the Minnesota Department of Human Services. “Non-English
speaking callers to Senior LinkAge Line also have access to LanguageLine
interpreters to help ensure they receive the best help and information to meet
their needs.”

Senior LinkAge Line is a service of the Minnesota Board on Aging and Area
Agencies on Aging.  It offers free,
objective guidance for older adults and their families to find community
services and plan for their future. By calling 1-800-333-2433, Minnesotans can get
information on Medicare, insurance, housing choices and find out how to
volunteer in their community, among other age-related topics. To best meet the
needs of Minnesota’s increasingly diverse population, Senior LinkAge Line uses Hmong,
Somali, Spanish and Russian interpreters through LanguageLine Services.

versions of the video are available on ECHO Minnesota’s YouTube page.









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