Lakewinds Food Co-op Round Up

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Campaign Materials

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Minnesota Food Association (MFA) is thrilled to announce that we have been selected as the recipient of Lakewinds Food Co-op’s Round Up program for the month of June! Shop at any of their three locations and round up at the register to support MFA farmers, now through June 30th! All donations will support our mission to build a sustainable food system based on social, economic and environmental justice through training, education and partnerships.


MFA provides a full range of educational programming about organic agriculture to beginning farmers and to all members of the community interested in learning more. Our land-based farmer training program specifically focuses on serving immigrant and minority farmers who are typically underrepresented in the organic farming community. We offer one-on-one mentorship, classes and in-field training, and various marketing opportunities within the Twin Cities metro area.


Tractor training is one of the most popular components of our curriculum. Farmers learn about tractor safety, how to operate different implements, and are given the opportunity to practice doing their own tractor work. Tractor skills are essential for the modern day commercial farmer, and the individuals who participate in the program are better equipped to compete in the current farming marketplace.


MFA will use Lakewinds Food Co-op Round Up donations to continue to deliver and improve upon our tractor training. Your donations will help us maintain and repair our tractors and implements, subsidize the price of fuel, help cover the cost of insurance, and pay for the staff time necessary to teach and track all aspects of the program. Thank you for donating to help us support beginning farmers!


Shop at any Lakewinds Food Co-op Location this month:


For more information: or 


Thank you!


thedatabank, inc.


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