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Check out upcoming North Minneapolis community gardening activities, celebrations
Contact: Kelsey Dawson Walton, Hennepin County Community Works, 612-348-4304
Straw bale garden planting activities at 24th and Penn
On Wednesday, June 1, participants in the Sentencing-to-Service program will install garden plants in straw bales at North Minneapolis’ newest communal garden, at 2430 Penn Avenue North. Community members are invited to join in planting. Gardeners will be on hand to explain the process and answer questions about straw bale gardening. The planting event will go from noon to 2 p.m.
Straw bale gardening is a new technique that has no weeds and uses raised bails, making access easier for community members in wheelchairs.
Sentencing-to-Service crews have been conditioning 80 straw bales at this garden for about a month. Now, they are ready to plant. When the vegetables are ready to harvest, all community members are invited to pick and take the vegetables. All additional produce will be donated to the NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center Community Food Shelf.
Watch the progress of the straw bale garden throughout the year, and stay tuned for a community event at this garden location later in the growing season.
Celebration of a new season
On Saturday, June 4, a community planting celebration will launch the third growing season at the Folwell Neighborhood Association garden at the corner of 36th and Penn Avenue North. Community gardeners will be at work planting and seeding their gardens. The event will be from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
When the vegetables are ready to harvest at either location, all community members are invited to pick and take the vegetables. All additional produce will be donated to the NorthPoint Health & Wellness Center Community Food Shelf.
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Look for more news on the Hennepin County website at www.hennepin.us/news