Winter Not Done Yet, So Motorists Cautioned to Drive Safely

Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Boulevard       
Saint Paul, MN 55155

News Release

March 22, 2015                                                                               Contact:  Kevin Gutknecht  
Winter not done yet, so motorists cautioned to drive safely
MnDOT asks for reduced speeds
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Spring has just arrived, but the Minnesota Department of Transportation is advising motorists that winter is still very much in the picture this week and to drive according to conditions.
The forecast from the National Weather Service calls for a significant winter storm in the southeast and central parts of the state Wednesday into Thursday. Snowfalls are expected to range from eight to 12 inches in the Rochester area and three to six inches in the Twin Cities area.
MnDOT snowplow crews are ready to clear roads as soon as necessary, but motorists are cautioned that roads take time to get back to good driving conditions.
“It looks like the snow will come in quickly and be heavy. Winds could hamper visibility,” said Sue Mulvihill, MnDOT deputy commissioner and chief engineer. “Our plows will be out, hard at work. We need the traveling public to cooperate and help us by slowing down and giving the plows room to work.” 
MnDOT reminds motorists that road conditions can change quickly, so they should plan ahead and drive at speeds safe for snow-covered and slick roads. Often these speeds are lower than the posted speed limit. Motorists should also slow down on bridges, overpasses and tunnels.
Motorists should also keep a safe stopping distance from the vehicle in front of them and stay at least five car lengths behind a snowplow.
Minnesota law also requires motorists to turn their headlights on so they are seen and can be seen.
For updated information on road conditions, visit or call 511.
Sue Roe
Communications Office
Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd.
St. Paul, MN
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Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Boulevard       
Saint Paul, MN 55155

News Release

March 22, 2015                                                                               Contact:  Kevin Gutknecht  
Winter not done yet, so motorists cautioned to drive safely
MnDOT asks for reduced speeds
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Spring has just arrived, but the Minnesota Department of Transportation is advising motorists that winter is still very much in the picture this week and to drive according to conditions.
The forecast from the National Weather Service calls for a significant winter storm in the southeast and central parts of the state Wednesday into Thursday. Snowfalls are expected to range from eight to 12 inches in the Rochester area and three to six inches in the Twin Cities area.
MnDOT snowplow crews are ready to clear roads as soon as necessary, but motorists are cautioned that roads take time to get back to good driving conditions.
“It looks like the snow will come in quickly and be heavy. Winds could hamper visibility,” said Sue Mulvihill, MnDOT deputy commissioner and chief engineer. “Our plows will be out, hard at work. We need the traveling public to cooperate and help us by slowing down and giving the plows room to work.” 
MnDOT reminds motorists that road conditions can change quickly, so they should plan ahead and drive at speeds safe for snow-covered and slick roads. Often these speeds are lower than the posted speed limit. Motorists should also slow down on bridges, overpasses and tunnels.
Motorists should also keep a safe stopping distance from the vehicle in front of them and stay at least five car lengths behind a snowplow.
Minnesota law also requires motorists to turn their headlights on so they are seen and can be seen.
For updated information on road conditions, visit or call 511.
Sue Roe
Communications Office
Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd.
St. Paul, MN

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