Passing the BALL we are in this together

Monthly Blueline Coalition (BLC)

Moved forward with an Open Houses to inform the community about the Blue Line Light Rail project route going through N Mpls and its pros and cons.  The Workforce Group on the BLC had the first Stakeholder also, because of the strong ties to AOIC Summit Academy; they want to reach out to neighbors in the Blueline to consider construction not only as a project but also as a trade profession.  Project PHILIP will support the first Job Fair in March 2016. We have also organized a smaller group within the BLC to put together an Equitable Development & Principles Scorecard as a tool for communities & planners to utilize.

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Campaign Materials

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Monthly Blueline Coalition (BLC)

moved forward with an Open Houses to inform the community about the Blue Line Light Rail project route going through N Mpls and its pros and cons.  The Workforce Group on the BLC had the first Stakeholder also, because of the strong ties to AOIC Summit Academy; they want to reach out to neighbors in the Blueline to consider construction not only as a project but also as a trade profession.  Project PHILIP will support the first Job Fair in March 2016. We have also organized a smaller group within the BLC to put together an Equitable Development & Principles Scorecard as a tool for communities & planners to utilize.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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