Join Us Next Monday! Transportation Forward Day at the State Capitol


Please join us next Monday for this rally: 

Transportation Forward Day at the State Capitol
Monday, April 4; noon – 5 p.m.
Christ Lutheran Church and the MN State Capitol Building
105 University Ave W
Saint Paul, MN  55103
*Refreshments will be provided

Join Transportation Forward, a coalition which the Alliance is a part of, on Monday, April 4 and show your support for new investments in better transportation options. Ensure that lawmakers know about the outdated road and bridge structures, as well as other transportation issues facing families, businesses, and communities of color throughout the state. Speak up for increased investment in our core bus system, our network of bike/ped trails and linking good jobs and economic opportunity to the build out of our modern transportation infrastructure.

In addition, Transportation Forward will arrange for attendees to meet with their legislators on April 4 and same-day training for talking with legislators.

Hope to see you there!

Alliance for Metropolitan Stability I 2525 Franklin Ave E, Suite 200 I Minneapolis, MN 55406

phone: 612-332-4471 I email:


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  Please join us next Monday for this rally:  Transportation Forward Day at the State Capitol Monday, April 4; noon – 5 p.m. Christ Lutheran Church and the MN State Capitol Building 105 University Ave W Saint Paul, MN  55103 *Refreshments will be provided Join Transportation Forward, a coalition which the Alliance is a part of, on Monday, April 4 and show your support for new investments in better transportation options. Ensure that lawmakers know about the outdated road and bridge structures, as well as other transportation issues facing families, businesses, and communities of color throughout the state. Speak up for increased investment in our core bus system, our network of bike/ped trails and linking good jobs and economic opportunity to the build out of our modern transportation infrastructure. In addition, Transportation Forward will arrange for attendees to meet with their legislators on April 4 and same-day training for talking with legislators. Hope to see you there!

Alliance for Metropolitan Stability I 2525 Franklin Ave E, Suite 200 I Minneapolis, MN 55406

phone: 612-332-4471 I email:



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