Transformative Equitable Development for Healthy Communities, Session 7: Getting it Right

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Equitable Development Sessions

Transformative Equitable Development for Healthy Communities, Session 7: Getting it Right

Policymakers, developers, community members, and private sector leaders all across the Twin Cities are working to anchor equity in our region and ensure that any development that happens benefits communities of color and low wealth communities. For the first time in our region, there is an emerging consensus across governmental agencies about putting equity at the center of their policies, strategic investments and practices. The private sector is also beginning to recognize the need to prioritize equity in order to ensure a ready and available workforce in the future. Community members are also coming into once-restricted spaces to elevate their vision for their neighborhoods and promote the solutions that they know will land tangible economic benefits. But how does it all add up? And how do we know that we are getting it right?

Any process – no matter how good it purports to be – has to have built in moments of reflection and evaluation to ensure that it meets the goals and objectives of that process. Evaluation helps ensure that projects stay on track, can provide valuable feedback on why a process did or did not work well, and can also be a powerful tool in holding decision-makers and developers accountable to what they said they would do as well as to what the community believes is a priority.

Join the Alliance for the seventh session in our Transformative Equitable Development series where we will highlight evaluative tools that are being used to ensure that our region’s collective work around advancing equity is adding up to racial, economic, and environmental justice wins in every community. This session will provide a mini training on each of the highlights tools. 

Transformative Equitable Development, Session 7: Getting It Right
Monday, September 26; 1 – 3.30 pm
Rondo Community Outreach Library
461 Dale Street N
St. Paul, MN


– Ela Rausch, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis – Community Development, Senior Project Manager

– Joan Vanhala, Alliance for Metropolitan Stability Coalition Organizer

Light refreshments will be provided. Please register so that we know you are coming!


Naming the Moment
Monday, February 29

Grounded in Place
Monday, March 28

Community-Led Collaborations
Monday, April 25

Community Ownership Models – Vibrant, Living Economies
Monday, June 27

Community Ownership Models – Preserving and Creating Cultural Corridors
Monday, August 1

Inclusive Hiring, Procurement, and DBE Practices
 Monday, August 29

Getting it Right
Monday, September 26

Securing Lasting Change
Monday, October 24

Alliance for Metropolitan Stability
2525 E Franklin Ave, Ste 200
Minneapolis, MN 55406




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