Hennepin County Recycling and Environmental Resources

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Recycling progress report, highlight resources

Hennepin County recently released the Recycling Progress Report to highlight progress on the Hennepin County Solid Waste Master Plan, which outlines the counties strategies for meeting our recycling goals. Some highlights from the report include that 81 percent of waste was diverted from landfills and reused, recycled, composted or burned to create energy. Recycling also increased to 41 percent in 2014, the amount of organics collected for composting increased by 15 percent due to more cities and business offering organics recycling, and the total amount of waste generated remains 20 percent below 2007 levels.

Help us recycle more

The county is committed to making recycling as convenient as possible and expanding opportunities to recycle and compost. But the success of our efforts relies on individuals, businesses, manufacturers and partners taking action to support and improve recycling. You can help us meet our recycling goals by using and promoting the following resources:

  • Recycling at businesses and organizations: Grants, signage, best practices guide, staff assistance and a recognition program are available to help businesses and organizations troubleshoot and set up recycling programs.
  • Recycling at apartment buildings: Free education materials, signage and on-site assistance are available to property owners and managers.
  • Recycling at schoolsGrants, signage, classroom presentations and staff assistance are available to help schools improve recycling and educate students and staff.
  • Recycling at events: Recycling containers for events, event recycling and waste reduction guide and green event resources are all available for free.
  • Promote recycling: Factsheets, brochures and handouts, including a recycling guide and ideas for reducing waste, are available to partners for free. We also have resources to engage your audience in learning more about recycling, including learning trunks, activity ideas, and field trip ideas and transportation funding.

Environmental education resources

Order the following environmental education resources with the online literature order form.

Updated: Reducing waste and recycling information for your move

Moving can be a busy time that in which you have to make a lot of decisions about the stuff that you have. Giving yourself enough time to sort through your things before you move will keep you from feeling overwhelmed and allow you to find the best reuse, recycling and safe disposal options. The updated Reducing waste and recycling during your move factsheet provides tips and resources for reducing, reusing, recycling and disposing of a wide variety of materials people commonly need to deal with when moving. Tips for being green when packing and moving in are also included.

New: How to identify and reduce hazardous chemicals in your home

Many products we have in our homes contain hazardous materials that can harm the health of our families, pets and the environment if not properly used, stored and disposed. Reading the label is the easiest way to identify and reduce hazardous products in our homes. The new How to identify and reduce hazardous chemicals in your home brochure contains information on signal words to look for on labels, hazard levels of common household products, safe storage and disposal tips, and simple steps to reduce hazardous chemicals in the home.

New: Green Cleaning Recipes in Spanish

Our new Green Cleaning Recipes booklet is now available in Spanish. Many common household products, such as baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar and liquid dish soap, can make effective and inexpensive cleaners. Using these ingredients can help reduce the amount of products containing hazardous materials you have in your home and help protect the health of your family, pets and the environment.

Hennepin County recently released the Recycling Progress Report to highlight progress on the Hennepin County Solid Waste Master Plan, which outlines the counties strategies for meeting our recycling goals. Some highlights from the report include that 81 percent of waste was diverted from landfills and reused, recycled, composted or burned to create energy. Recycling also increased to 41 percent in 2014, the amount of organics collected for composting increased by 15 percent due to more cities and business offering organics recycling, and the total amount of waste generated remains 20 percent below 2007 levels.

Help us recycle more

The county is committed to making recycling as convenient as possible and expanding opportunities to recycle and compost. But the success of our efforts relies on individuals, businesses, manufacturers and partners taking action to support and improve recycling. You can help us meet our recycling goals by using and promoting the following resources:

  • Recycling at businesses and organizations: Grants, signage, best practices guide, staff assistance and a recognition program are available to help businesses and organizations troubleshoot and set up recycling programs.
  • Recycling at apartment buildings: Free education materials, signage and on-site assistance are available to property owners and managers.
  • Recycling at schoolsGrants, signage, classroom presentations and staff assistance are available to help schools improve recycling and educate students and staff.
  • Recycling at events: Recycling containers for events, event recycling and waste reduction guide and green event resources are all available for free.
  • Promote recycling: Factsheets, brochures and handouts, including a recycling guide and ideas for reducing waste, are available to partners for free. We also have resources to engage your audience in learning more about recycling, including learning trunks, activity ideas, and field trip ideas and transportation funding.

Environmental education resources

Order the following environmental education resources with the online literature order form.

Updated: Reducing waste and recycling information for your move

Moving can be a busy time that in which you have to make a lot of decisions about the stuff that you have. Giving yourself enough time to sort through your things before you move will keep you from feeling overwhelmed and allow you to find the best reuse, recycling and safe disposal options. The updated Reducing waste and recycling during your move factsheet provides tips and resources for reducing, reusing, recycling and disposing of a wide variety of materials people commonly need to deal with when moving. Tips for being green when packing and moving in are also included.

New: How to identify and reduce hazardous chemicals in your home

Many products we have in our homes contain hazardous materials that can harm the health of our families, pets and the environment if not properly used, stored and disposed. Reading the label is the easiest way to identify and reduce hazardous products in our homes. The new How to identify and reduce hazardous chemicals in your home brochure contains information on signal words to look for on labels, hazard levels of common household products, safe storage and disposal tips, and simple steps to reduce hazardous chemicals in the home.

New: Green Cleaning Recipes in Spanish

Our new Green Cleaning Recipes booklet is now available in Spanish. Many common household products, such as baking soda, lemon juice, vinegar and liquid dish soap, can make effective and inexpensive cleaners. Using these ingredients can help reduce the amount of products containing hazardous materials you have in your home and help protect the health of your family, pets and the environment.

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