Passing the BALL we are in this together

1st Sundays Flea Market @ The Warren, 10am to 3pm

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1st Sunday Flea Market @ The Warren, 10am to 3pm

Find quality collectibles, antiques, general garage sale items and some homemade/handmade goods. Send an email or visit the Facebook Event for details on becoming a vendor. Preference is given to Northside residents, we’re open to anyone with quality goods for sale. We have room inside for 10 vendors and will expand outside when it gets warmer to 15 or more. Save these dates: May 1, June 5, July 3, Aug 7[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]


1st Sunday Flea Market @ The Warren, 10am to 3pm

Find quality collectibles, antiques, general garage sale items and some homemade/handmade goods. Send an email or visit the Facebook Event for details on becoming a vendor. Preference is given to Northside residents, we’re open to anyone with quality goods for sale. We have room inside for 10 vendors and will expand outside when it gets warmer to 15 or more.

Save these dates: May 1, June 5, July 3, Aug 7

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