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Thu., Sept. 29, Fri., Sept. 30 and Sat., Oct. 1
23rd Annual International Roundtable examines “Sustainable Cities: Sharing Habitat, Building Resiliency”
The 2016 Macalester International Roundtable (IRT) will seek to cultivate sustainability as a critical-thinking framework and to understand and address existing and emerging social, environmental, and economic challenges in urban areas across the globe. The IRT features the following four plenary speakers: Julian Agyeman, PhD, professor of urban and environmental policy and planning, Tufts University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, is the originator of the concept of ‘just sustainabilities,’ the full integration of social justice and sustainability; Sarah Dooling, PhD studies social and ecological dynamics associated with current and future vulnerable conditions in cities and is an assistant professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin; Seitu Kenneth Jones has created over 30 large-scale public artworks working on his own or with others and teaches Urban Food Systems in the Urban Studies program at the University of Minnesota and is on the faculty of the Goddard College MFA-Interdisciplinary Arts, in Port Townsend, Wash.; and Chris Ward ’76, is Chief Executive Metro NY, Senior VP at AECOM where he leads strategic growth and profitability of the Design and Consulting Services group in the New York and East Coast region. Ward is the former chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and has been an adjunct professor at the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University. There will be 10 student-led workshops, five field trips and one public arts sampler. Several Macalester faculty and staff will also present. Sponsored by the Macalester Institute for Global Citizenship.
BARBARA K. LASKIN Media Relations Manager Macalester College Saint Paul, Minn 55105 651.696.6451 |