Burnsville Summer Playground Program ‘Kids of Summer’ Begins June 13th 2016

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Kids Playing 

REMINDER: Burnsville Summer Playground Program
‘Kids of Summer’ Begins June 13

Parents looking for some summer of fun for the kids should look no further than Burnsville parks. 

Kids of Summer (KOS), Camp X-Treme, and KOS for Little Tykes are playground programs chock-full of games, sports, arts and crafts, carnivals, water fun, field trips and special events.

The programs are held four days a week at multiple park locations. Morning and afternoon sessions are available. Full-summer registered participants can come as often as they like – or, parents can purchase daily passes for more flexibility.

Click Here to Register

What:    Kids of Summer for ages 6-8 
               Camp X-Treme for ages 9-12

Days:     Monday – Thursday
               June 13 – Aug. 18

Times:   Morning Session:      9:30 a.m. – Noon
               Afternoon Session:   1:30 – 4 p.m.

Where:  Neill Park, 13501 Upton Ave.                  (AM)
               Red Oak Park, 12100 River Hills Drive   (AM)
               Paha Sapa Park, 15016 Chicago Ave.      (AM & PM)
               Vista View Park, 1501 Circle Lane          (PM)

Cost:      $65 for summer (field trips are additional)
               $5 for daily pass   |   $15 for weekly pass

For more information on other great programs such as Kids of Summer for Little Tykes or Wednesday “All Day Experiences” visit 

Kids of Summer Video Thumbnail    [Video] Kids Will Be Kids… Of Summer!   

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