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Campaign Materials
- Logo
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- Press Coverage and Success Story
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- Monthly eNewsletter
- Bicultural Healthy Living Weblog
Please join us on Saturday, March 5th from 12pm to 4pm for:
Healing from Trauma, North: A Celebration of Resilience and Rising Up!
This free community event will feature an abundant healing feast, an open mic, opportunities to have in-depth conversations on healing from trauma, and community healing practitioners and exercises to support community healing and wellness.
Open to all but with an emphasis on North side residents, this space is being held by Marnita’s Table with support from the Catalyst Initiative of the George Family Foundation and in collaboration with community allies MADDADs, Robert J. Jones Urban Research Outreach Center of the University of Minnesota and Kwanzaa Community Church.
Yes! This event is free.
Yes! Teenagers are welcome!
Yes! Children are welcome! Bring your friends and family.
Yes! We will help you find transportation.
Dress comfortably and casually!
Bring your music, poetry, dance, drums for the open mic!
No uniforms, name tags or other signifiers of your office or status, we all come as equal individuals!
North High School
1500 James Ave N,
Minneapolis, MN 55411
RSVP via e-mail to lauren@marnitastable.org
or call us at 612.928.7744
Day of contact: 401.871.5641
What to Expect
Expect to be enlivened, engaged and to explore methods for using integrative healing from trauma, capitalize on existing energy, make new connections and build momentum as we share an abundant feast. If you are receiving this invitation you have been identified as someone who will add and receive extraordinary value through your participation. If you know someone who will add and receive extraordinary value through their participation feel free to reach out to someone across race, class, culture or age and invite them to join you!
About Marnita’s Table
Marnita’s Table seeks to measurably increase social capital across race, class, culture, gender and other means of self-identity in order to catalyze transformational change where racial and cultural differences are not viewed as deficits or merely tolerated, but instead viewed as assets. Experts at social capital building, in the past ten years we’ve welcomed over 23,000 people from around the world and the around the way to find common ground while breaking bread.
Sammie Ardito Rivera
Operations Administrator
Marnita’s Table
2136 Penn Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55405
612.928.7744 office
This free community event will feature an abundant healing feast, an open mic, opportunities to have in-depth conversations on healing from trauma, and community healing practitioners and exercises to support community healing and wellness.
Open to all but with an emphasis on North side residents, this space is being held by Marnita’s Table with support from the Catalyst Initiative of the George Family Foundation and in collaboration with community allies MADDADs, Robert J. Jones Urban Research Outreach Center of the University of Minnesota and Kwanzaa Community Church.
Yes! This event is free.
Yes! Teenagers are welcome!
Yes! Children are welcome! Bring your friends and family.
Yes! We will help you find transportation.
Dress comfortably and casually!
Bring your music, poetry, dance, drums for the open mic!
No uniforms, name tags or other signifiers of your office or status, we all come as equal individuals!
North High School
1500 James Ave N,
Minneapolis, MN 55411
RSVP via e-mail to lauren@marnitastable.org
or call us at 612.928.7744
Day of contact: 401.871.5641
What to Expect
Expect to be enlivened, engaged and to explore methods for using integrative healing from trauma, capitalize on existing energy, make new connections and build momentum as we share an abundant feast. If you are receiving this invitation you have been identified as someone who will add and receive extraordinary value through your participation. If you know someone who will add and receive extraordinary value through their participation feel free to reach out to someone across race, class, culture or age and invite them to join you!
About Marnita’s Table
Marnita’s Table seeks to measurably increase social capital across race, class, culture, gender and other means of self-identity in order to catalyze transformational change where racial and cultural differences are not viewed as deficits or merely tolerated, but instead viewed as assets. Experts at social capital building, in the past ten years we’ve welcomed over 23,000 people from around the world and the around the way to find common ground while breaking bread.
Sammie Ardito Rivera
Operations Administrator
Marnita’s Table
2136 Penn Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55405
612.928.7744 office