Summer Wrap Up

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Summer Wrap Up

Summer certainly has flown by; especially with the many activates that BALL has generated this summer.   There are many green events that we have had the pleasure of attending or hosting to promote the Bi-Cultural Healthy Living Lifestyle (BALL), such as: FLOW and National Night Out with the neighbors coming out and thoroughly enjoying themselves while learning about the BALL initiative.   Total 29 partners we have collaborated with in the summer, and many partners that we worked with such as Pathway Learning Center, Somali Community Resettlement Services and Project Sweetie Pie were wonderful to work with and we have enjoyed see them thrive with the BALL Initiative.  Some highlights for the summer:
  • June 25th @ North Commons Park was the Kickoff of BALL hosted by Pathway Learning Center.  Tai Chi was offered and this type of exercise fascinated many residents. The slower movement and the release of stress made many of the participants happy.  The instructor showed the neighbors the “real” Tai Chi and the group was exhilarated and fascinated at the same time.
  • July 23rd brought the FLOW Art Crawl to the Penn and Plymouth Corridor. The dancers and music is what drew the neighbors out of their house. Plymouth was closed about 2 blocks for all kind of fun activities, and arts demos. Once the neighbors were out and about, they were spellbound by the cultural exercise ideas and had fun with the cultural games.
  • August 20th brought another summer kickoff at Folwell Park. The music and food brought the people together. However, they were then able to learn more about bi-cultural healthy living and enjoyed the time with the neighbors.
  • August 29th was spent at the Urban League enjoying Family Day. The families not only had fun enjoying the performances; but, learning made commitments to themselves to have a healthier lifestyle based on the bi-cultural living lifestyle, besides BALL initiative, other green movement partners also present, to encourage more biking, walking and urban gardening.
  • Last but not least, September 26th came and went but not without the Lowry Open Street Event. Here neighbors could walk on the Streets without fear of cars. They could walk, bike or hike on Lowry.  Once again, BALL initiative was present with our Sticky Mobile activity to collect neighbors’ feedbacks on Healthy Living.
  As we closed up the summer fun, more Fall Harvesting activities will come along, as the Chinese old saying – “Following the Changes of Season, Do the Seasonal Things.”  That is particularly important for our BALL Initiative, to pay extra attention to advance with the Nature together, and in a harmonious way.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Summer certainly has flown by; especially with the many activates that BALL has generated this summer.   There are many green events that we have had the pleasure of attending or hosting to promote the Bi-Cultural Healthy Living Lifestyle (BALL), such as: FLOW and National Night Out with the neighbors coming out and thoroughly enjoying themselves while learning about the BALL initiative.

Total 29 partners we have collaborated with in the summer, and many partners that we worked with such as Pathway Learning Center, Somali Community Resettlement Services and Project Sweetie Pie were wonderful to work with and we have enjoyed see them thrive with the BALL Initiative.  Some highlights for the summer:

  • June 25th @ North Commons Park was the Kickoff of BALL hosted by Pathway Learning Center.  Tai Chi was offered and this type of exercise fascinated many residents. The slower movement and the release of stress made many of the participants happy.  The instructor showed the neighbors the “real” Tai Chi and the group was exhilarated and fascinated at the same time.
  • July 23rd brought the FLOW Art Crawl to the Penn and Plymouth Corridor. The dancers and music is what drew the neighbors out of their house. Plymouth was closed about 2 blocks for all kind of fun activities, and arts demos. Once the neighbors were out and about, they were spellbound by the cultural exercise ideas and had fun with the cultural games.
  • August 20th brought another summer kickoff at Folwell Park. The music and food brought the people together. However, they were then able to learn more about bi-cultural healthy living and enjoyed the time with the neighbors.
  • August 29th was spent at the Urban League enjoying Family Day. The families not only had fun enjoying the performances; but, learning made commitments to themselves to have a healthier lifestyle based on the bi-cultural living lifestyle, besides BALL initiative, other green movement partners also present, to encourage more biking, walking and urban gardening.
  • Last but not least, September 26th came and went but not without the Lowry Open Street Event. Here neighbors could walk on the Streets without fear of cars. They could walk, bike or hike on Lowry.  Once again, BALL initiative was present with our Sticky Mobile activity to collect neighbors’ feedbacks on Healthy Living.

As we closed up the summer fun, more Fall Harvesting activities will come along, as the Chinese old saying – “Following the Changes of Season, Do the Seasonal Things.”  That is particularly important for our BALL Initiative, to pay extra attention to advance with the Nature together, and in a harmonious way.

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