YMCA Hosts Regionwide Soccer Tournament June 4th 2016

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Campaign Materials

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Media Advisory
Mounds View, MN – YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities (YGTC), a leading nonprofit dedicated to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility, will celebrate the culmination of its soccer season by hosting the inaugural Y Cup and Jamboree on Saturday, June 4.
The top Y teams from each region of the Twin Cities will participate in the Y Cup in three divisions: grades 2-3, grades 4-5 and grades 6-8. All remaining teams in each division will participate in the Y Jamboree, featuring fun and exciting games between teams from across the Twin Cities.
The Y’s sports program provides opportunities for players of all ages and abilities to build skills and develop character in an environment that promotes positive competition. For more information on the Y Cup and Jamboree, For more information on sports at the Y, visit
YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities Sports

Y Soccer Cup and Jamboree

City Hall Park at 2401 County Road 10 in Mounds View, MN 55112


8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
About the YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities
The YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities is a leading nonprofit dedicated to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living and social responsibility.  Established in 1856 in St. Paul, 160 years ago, and a decade later in Minneapolis, the Ys provide life-strengthening services across 12 counties of the greater Twin Cities metro region and western Wisconsin communities.  The 27 Y locations and program sites, seven overnight camps, 10 day camps, and more than 90 child care sites engage nearly a quarter million men, women and children of all ages, incomes and backgrounds.  To learn more about the Y’s mission and work, visit
Joan Schimml
Senior Director of Communications and Marketing
2125 East Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis MN 55413
(C)   952.210.4515
THE Y:  We’re for Youth Development, Healthy Living, Social Responsibility