Passing the BALL we are in this together

Best Practices

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Campaign Materials

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Best Practices

We have strong evidence showing the community has a desire to have physical activity that is biculturally appropriated.  The earlier survey result has indicated that when the bicultural activities are offered, the program has a higher participation rate from the targeted cultural group.   In order to determine weather cultural exercise and community performances successfully builting on youth cultural resilience through cultural dance; adult/peer relationshios; regular exercises, and how the program was percieved by young participants, a designed pre/post SAYO paper surveys were handed out after participants enrolled and before they completed the annual program.  Approximately 200 surveys were given to youth participants each time, and 86 pre-surveys and 83 post-survey were completed.   Overall indicating from the surveys, the Cultural Exercise is a great success, with overwhelmed 85-100% satisfaction rate among our youth participants at all counts, except the level of youth involving in project design.    From the pre/post SAYO surveys analysis, our program has received high remarks from youth on regular exercise; building cultural resilience through the 21st Century Skills; the youth felt strongly connected with the program/peers/ school/community; and the program provided them with cultural, social, academic and future planning support.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

We have strong evidence showing the community has a desire to have physical activity that is biculturally appropriated.  The earlier survey result has indicated that when the bicultural activities are offered, the program has a higher participation rate from the targeted cultural group.

In order to determine weather cultural exercise and community performances successfully builting on youth cultural resilience through cultural dance; adult/peer relationshios; regular exercises, and how the program was percieved by young participants, a designed pre/post SAYO paper surveys were handed out after participants enrolled and before they completed the annual program.  Approximately 200 surveys were given to youth participants each time, and 86 pre-surveys and 83 post-survey were completed.

Overall indicating from the surveys, the Cultural Exercise is a great success, with overwhelmed 85-100% satisfaction rate among our youth participants at all counts, except the level of youth involving in project design.    From the pre/post SAYO surveys analysis, our program has received high remarks from youth on regular exercise; building cultural resilience through the 21st Century Skills; the youth felt strongly connected with the program/peers/ school/community; and the program provided them with cultural, social, academic and future planning support.