Passing the BALL we are in this together

Hmong Cultural Center’s New Unique Hmong History Center and Library

Center’s new unique Hmong History Center and Library has received a lot of positive attention in the past few months. With our recently installed lead exhibit Hmong Minnesota: Yesterday and Today produced in partnership with Museology, Hmong embroidery room developed by Sieng Lee and Design Uake and significantly expanded library with new shelving and furniture we have received coverage in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press, Minnesota Post, Hmong Times and the Hmong Broadcasting Company.

We are also moving up in the lists of top attractions in Saint Paul on Trip Advisor! We have big plans for expanded interpretative exhibits to teach about Hmong culture and history as well as additions to the library later this year and going forward. To learn more, I would like to invite you to check out our program webpage at and stop by our center at Western/University Avenues in the heart of “Little Mekong” on the Green Line in the Central Corridor if you have a chance, we would also appreciate your help in spreading the word the word to others who might be interested in visiting to learn more about Hmong culture and history and the contributions of Hmong Minnesotans to Saint Paul and our state.

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Campaign Materials

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column border_color=”” visibility=”” width=”3/4″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ el_class=”ball-cam”]The Hmong Cultural Center’s new unique Hmong History Center and Library has received a lot of positive attention in the past few months. With our recently installed lead exhibit Hmong Minnesota: Yesterday and Today produced in partnership with Museology, Hmong embroidery room developed by Sieng Lee and Design Uake and significantly expanded library with new shelving and furniture we have received coverage in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press, Minnesota Post, Hmong Times and the Hmong Broadcasting Company. We are also moving up in the lists of top attractions in Saint Paul on Trip Advisor! We have big plans for expanded interpretative exhibits to teach about Hmong culture and history as well as additions to the library later this year and going forward. To learn more, I would like to invite you to check out our program webpage at and stop by our center at Western/University Avenues in the heart of “Little Mekong” on the Green Line in the Central Corridor if you have a chance, we would also appreciate your help in spreading the word the word to others who might be interested in visiting to learn more about Hmong culture and history and the contributions of Hmong Minnesotans to Saint Paul and our state.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]