Passing the BALL we are in this together

Tzu Chi MN Activities for July 2016 (慈濟明州聯絡點七月份活動)

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Campaign Materials

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Sunday, July 24 – Tzu Chi MN’s Tzu Chi Lotus Sutra  and Yoga Practice

–Location: 1485 Arden View Drive, Arden Hills, MN 55112   

· 9:15 PM to 10:30 PM — 晨鐘起薰法香 

·10:30 AM to 12:00 PM — Tzu Chi Lotus Sutra 共修 (禮拜法華經序)

Contact person:  Jennifer 羅芳絹師姊/ Tel: 651-493-9388 or email:

· 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM  Potluck 聚餐 (請自備三寶-環保碗.筷.杯子)

— If you plan to bring food to share, please sign up and coordinate with Sister Sun. Thank you in advance.

Contact person: Sister Shu-Yun 孫淑雲師姊/ Tel: 651-738-6401 or email:

· 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM —  Tzu Chi Study Group 慈濟讀書會 — 請預覽 ”法華經” (from p339)    

Contact person: Brother Li-Chun 陳立君師兄 / Tel: 651-808-0116 or email: 

· 3:15 PM to 4:15 PM — Free Yoga Class 免費瑜珈課程 

— Please bring your Yoga mat. Everyone is welcome, no experience required.

Contact person:  Jennifer 羅芳絹師姊/ Tel: 651-493-9388 or email:  

Jing-Si products include books, publication, DVD, CD, gifts, reusable utensils, Tzu Chi aphorisms, food, etc.

Please see link below for the details.

Please order Jing Si products from Sister Fen-Tsyi 
連芬慈師姊 / Tel: 651-808-0755 or email:

A few dollars can go a long way to help those in need!

For donation, please send your checks to the following address:

Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation

1485 Arden View Drive
Arden Hills, MN 55112
(All donations are tax deductible.)



行政組 恭敬合十

Tzu Chi Minnesota Office
Tel: 617-939-6965



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