Register today for the 2016 Raksha Walk!

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We’re excited to announce we’ve
opened up registration for the 9th annual Raksha Walk to end distracted driving.

This year’s event is Saturday, August 6.

you’ll join us and register today!

9th Raksha Walk / Run (5K) by the Shreya R. Dixit Memorial Foundation

Saturday August 6, 2016
Purgatory Creek Recreation Area
13001 Technology Drive
Eden Prairie, MN 55344

1. On-site registration/Pick up the Walk T-shirt @7:30 AM
2.Silent auction
3. 5K Run Starts at 8:15 AM
4. Vigil to remember those lost to driver distraction 5. Community Pledge to drive distraction-free
6. 5K Walk Starts at 9:45 AM

In Memory of your lost loved one, we invite you to bring a 5”x7” Photograph for the Remembrance Wall.


Special Guest: Col. Matt Langer Chief, Minnesota State Highway Patrol

This year’s event will also feature a car involved in a distracted driving crash, courtesy of Minnesotans for Safe Driving and exhibits from both AAA Minneapolis and Toward Zero Deaths (an initiative by the Office of Traffic Safety).

You can register
online now.

For more information please visit or call 612-759 3384.

Thank you,

Vijay Dixit, Chairman
Shreya R. Dixit Memorial Foundation
