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Campaign Materials
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Intentional Kids Social Group
Every Thursday 5pm-7pm
It’s Social! Inclusive! Cultural! Fun! Educational! Inspiring! Family driven!
Join us in this Intentional children Social Group where children will play, meet new children, learn with other children. All participants MUST be with an adult, parent, guardian or PCA to participate in the full session.
Where: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
7217 West Broadway Brooklyn Park
Hosted by Multicultural Kids Network.
Intentional Kids Social Group @ Multicultural Kids Network. JOIN US ON THURSDAY!
Intentional Kids Social Group
Every Thursday 5pm-7pm
It’s Social! Inclusive! Cultural! Fun! Educational! Inspiring! Family driven!
Join us in this Intentional children Social Group where children will play, meet new children, learn with other children. All participants MUST be with an adult, parent, guardian or PCA to participate in the full session.
Where: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
7217 West Broadway Brooklyn Park
Hosted by Multicultural Kids Network.
Intentional Kids Social Group @ Multicultural Kids Network. JOIN US ON THURSDAY!