Catalyst Initiative hosts Building Resilience conference on Sept. 27

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Catalyst Initiative of the George Family Foundation Logo

Media Contact:
Kate Lohnes or Mary Lilja
Lilja Communications for George Family Foundation

Media Advisory
Aug. 25, 2016

Building Resilience conference

Catalyst Initiative hosts Building Resilience conference on Sept. 27

Event aims to connect community members and policy leaders across industries to impact systemic change


The Catalyst Initiative of the George Family Foundation is hosting Building Resilience: Restoring Our Human Capacity to Heal. The conference will engage community members, funders, policy leaders and health care professionals in a practical exploration of the promising role of integrative health and healing practices (IHH) to address the impact of trauma for individuals, organizations and communities.


Keynote speakers and interactive breakout sessions will provide tools and techniques for uncovering culturally meaningful practices that may help individuals, organizations and communities recover from and rise above primary, secondary and other types of trauma. Resilience can be defined as the process of moving beyond survival and building our human capacity to heal and thrive.

The keynote speakers include Sabrina N’Diaye, founder of the Heart Nest Wellness Center; Gail Christopher, senior advisor and vice president of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation; and Henry Emmons M.D., founder of Partners in Resilience. Breakout sessions will cover various topics such as indigenous ceremonial and ritual healing, meditative/reflective healing practices, ancient healing practices, movement-based healing, and community resiliency planning and implementation. The day will conclude with a healing drum ceremony from Samba Fall, founder of Multicultural Kids Network.


Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016
8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

St. Paul RiverCentre
175 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102

Tickets for the event are $55 and can be purchased online. Limited partial scholarships are available and prioritized for those with high need.


In 2015, the Catalyst Initiative of the George Family Foundation, along with community ally Marnita’s Table, held two convenings in the Twin Cities on the topic of using non-medical, whole person practices to heal from trauma. Over 500 people attended these sessions, and the resounding message was this is a crucial and necessary conversation.


“More and more, we’re seeing that trauma is contributing to the achievement gap and health, economic and social disparities. Through this conference, we’re inviting leaders in all sectors into the conversation, to explore the power of holistic, culturally based healing practices at a system-wide level.” – Suzanne Koepplinger, Director, Catalyst Initiative of the George Family Foundation

About the George Family Foundation
Founded by Penny and Bill George in 1994, the George Family Foundation supports programs, organizations and initiatives that transform lives. The $61 million private family foundation has an annual grantmaking budget of more than $3.8 million. Areas of foundation interest include integrative health and healing, authentic leadership, community, advancing women and girls, the environment, spirituality, and youth development. For more information visit the George Family Foundation website.

