The Placemaking Hub: An online one-stop shop for public realm enhancement

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The Placemaking Hub: An online one-stop shop for public realm enhancement

The Placemaking Hub: An online one-stop shop for public realm enhancement

Placemaking Hub

The City of Minneapolis has developed an online Placemaking Hub, a one-stop shop for public realm enhancement. It combines a broad range of placemaking tools available through the City on one web page. The Hub directs users to individual program websites where details about process, implementation, and necessary permitting are accessible for community members and neighborhood organizations.  

Possible enhancements and projects featured on the Placemaking Hub include: sidewalk café, bike racks, bike corrals, litter containers, ash receptacles, paint the pavement, artist designed utility boxes, other art, parklets, temporary plazas, block events, community gardens, urban farms, market gardens, trees, plantings, façade improvements and other tools to enhance a street or corridor. 



The Placemaking Hub: An online one-stop
shop for public realm enhancement

Placemaking Hub

The City of Minneapolis has developed an online Placemaking Hub, a one-stop shop
for public realm enhancement. It combines a broad range of placemaking tools
available through the City on one web page. The Hub directs users to individual
program websites where details about process, implementation, and necessary
permitting are accessible for community members and neighborhood organizations.  

Possible enhancements and
projects featured on the Placemaking Hub include: sidewalk café, bike racks,
bike corrals, litter containers, ash receptacles, paint the pavement, artist
designed utility boxes, other art, parklets, temporary plazas, block events,
community gardens, urban farms, market gardens, trees, plantings, façade
improvements and other tools to enhance a street or corridor. 

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