Passing the BALL we are in this together

Minneapolis Green Way

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Minneapolis Green Way

As part of the North side Greenway Council, Project PHILIP has supported the community outreach efforts for the greenway planning process. Greenways are safe, accessible routes for bicyclists and pedestrians. They are designed to be user-friendly for people of all ages and abilities and are a free space for recreation, commuting, and physical activity.   The greenway would improve residents’ access to a place to be physically active. Studies show that the closer people live to parks, the more likely they are to get exercise.   Together the Council is exploring converting low-traffic streets into a greenway in North Minneapolis, and has chosen the Irving Avenue North, between 30th – 36th Streets, as a temporary demonstration site.  The project is in the community engagement phase, and is focused on informing residents about the possibility (full, half and half for bike vs. car traffic lanes) and collecting input to define a new transportation and recreation corridor.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

As part of the North side Greenway Council, Project PHILIP has supported the community outreach efforts for the greenway planning process. Greenways are safe, accessible routes for bicyclists and pedestrians. They are designed to be user-friendly for people of all ages and abilities and are a free space for recreation, commuting, and physical activity.   The greenway would improve residents’ access to a place to be physically active. Studies show that the closer people live to parks, the more likely they are to get exercise.

Together the Council is exploring converting low-traffic streets into a greenway in North Minneapolis, and has chosen the Irving Avenue North, between 30th – 36th Streets, as a temporary demonstration site.  The project is in the community engagement phase, and is focused on informing residents about the possibility (full, half and half for bike vs. car traffic lanes) and collecting input to define a new transportation and recreation corridor.

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