MnDOT Seeks Applicants for Safe Routes to School Bicycle Fleets

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MnDOT seeks applicants for Safe Routes to School bicycle fleets

Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Boulevard       
Saint Paul, MN 55155

News Release

April 25, 2016                                                                                  Contact:  Sue Roe               
MnDOT seeks applicants for Safe Routes to School bicycle fleets
Funding helps students learn safety
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Minnesota schools and communities are invited to apply for the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s bicycle fleets and trailers funding. This funding will support teachers across the state using the Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum to help students learn safe walking and biking behaviors.
Communities can get more information and apply online at Deadline to apply is June 1.
MnDOT will award three to four communities to receive funding for a bicycle fleet and the training needed to teach bicycle safety using the Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum.
The funding will provide for the purchase of a bicycle fleet, which includes approximately 40 bicycles, helmets, basic supplies and an enclosed trailer to store and move them. The funding is targeted toward children in grades 4-8.
Eligible groups include private and public schools, cities, counties, federally recognized tribes, non-profit organizations, commissions or metropolitan planning agencies.
Since 2005, MnDOT has awarded approximately $20 million in federal and state funds to communities to support Safe Routes to School projects and programs.
Sue Roe
Communications Office
Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd.
St. Paul, MN

Minnesota Department of Transportation

395 John Ireland Boulevard       
Saint Paul, MN 55155

News Release

April 25, 2016
Contact:  Sue Roe
MnDOT seeks applicants for Safe Routes to School bicycle fleets
Funding helps students learn safety
ST. PAUL, Minn. – Minnesota schools and communities are invited to apply for the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s bicycle fleets and trailers funding. This funding will support teachers across the state using the Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum to help students learn safe walking and biking behaviors.
Communities can get more information and apply online at Deadline to apply is June 1.
MnDOT will award three to four communities to receive funding for a bicycle fleet and the training needed to teach bicycle safety using the Walk! Bike! Fun! curriculum.
The funding will provide for the purchase of a bicycle fleet, which includes approximately 40 bicycles, helmets, basic supplies and an enclosed trailer to store and move them. The funding is targeted toward children in grades 4-8.
Eligible groups include private and public schools, cities, counties, federally recognized tribes, non-profit organizations, commissions or metropolitan planning agencies.
Since 2005, MnDOT has awarded approximately $20 million in federal and state funds to communities to support Safe Routes to School projects and programs.
Sue Roe
Communications Office
Minnesota Department of Transportation
395 John Ireland Blvd.
St. Paul, MN

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