Campaign Materials
- Logo
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- Press Coverage and Success Story
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- Bus Poster
- Door Hanger
- Monthly eNewsletter
- Bicultural Healthy Living Weblog
We want your feedback! Let us know if Minnesota Walks reflects your vision of a safe, desirable and convenient walking environment. Feedback is encouraged now through Aug. 21. Ways to submit feedback:
- Facebook (tag the Minnesota Department of Transportation)
- Twitter: #mnwalks
- Email:
- Comment form
About Minnesota Walks
Minnesota Walks (PDF), formerly known as the Statewide Pedestrian System Plan, is a collaborative effort between MnDOT and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) designed to be a shared roadmap for how all Minnesotans can have safe, desirable and convenient places to walk and roll where they live, work, learn and play.
Developed through a community engagement process and guidance from a project advisory committee, Minnesota Walks will guide planning, decision-making and collaboration for agencies, organizations, policy-makers, and public and private entities across the state. Gain a better understanding of pedestrian needs and challenges in Minnesota from public and external stakeholders to help MnDOT and MDH better address pedestrian needs.
How Minnesota Walks was developed
A project advisory committee that consisted of 25 stakeholder members representing groups and interests from throughout the state provided input and guidance for pedestrian environment improvements. In addition, from July to December 2015, MnDOT and MDH undertook an extensive community engagement process to gather input on walking in communities across the state. Over the course of six months, the project team and its partners engaged with over 6,000 people across Minnesota.