Minneapolis Walk to School Routes

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Minneapolis Walk to School Routes

Minneapolis City’s Walking Routes for Youth Map has established, and focused to help students and families navigate their neighborhoods in a new way, with Hmong, Somali and Spanish translation.  Project PHILIP has help to promote the movement at Oct 7th as Walk to the School Day for the Minneapolis Park School District.   The paper maps can now be found at schools, park recreation centers, and libraries within Minneapolis. All of these destinations are found on the map, along with a network of routes that connect them all. The maps show the location of traffic signals, pedestrian short cuts, and other improvements that help users cross barriers and get to where they need to go. It allows families to track their home location on the map using a smart phone or other GPS enabled mobile device.   Later Project PHILIP will work on to incorporate this Map into our North side Interactive Map to help neighbors to navigate various healthy lifestyle options, including: biking, walking, healthy food market an physical exercise opportunities.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Minneapolis City’s Walking Routes for Youth Map has established, and focused to help students and families navigate their neighborhoods in a new way, with Hmong, Somali and Spanish translation.  Project PHILIP has help to promote the movement at Oct 7th as Walk to the School Day for the Minneapolis Park School District.   The paper maps can now be found at schools, park recreation centers, and libraries within Minneapolis. All of these destinations are found on the map, along with a network of routes that connect them all. The maps show the location of traffic signals, pedestrian short cuts, and other improvements that help users cross barriers and get to where they need to go. It allows families to track their home location on the map using a smart phone or other GPS enabled mobile device.

Later Project PHILIP will work on to incorporate this Map into our North side Interactive Map to help neighbors to navigate various healthy lifestyle options, including: biking, walking, healthy food market an physical exercise opportunities.

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