Minneapolis’ National Night Out and Ramsey County Night to Unite Update

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Night to Unite Update Ramsey County Sheriff's Office - Sheriff Matt Bostrom

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016 is Night to Unite!

Join neighbors across Ramsey County on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 for the 8th Annual Night to Unite in Minnesota. Sponsored by the Minnesota Crime Prevention Association, AAA, and local law enforcement agencies, Night to Unite celebrates and strengthens neighborhood and community partnerships.

Night to Unite / National Night Out is designed to:
1. Get to know one another in your neighborhood;
2. Build neighborhood involvement by bringing police and communities together; and
3. Bring awareness to crime prevention and local law enforcement efforts!

Online registration for event hosts in the communities of Arden Hills, Gem Lake, Little Canada, North Oaks, Shoreview, Vadnais Heights, and White Bear Township is available at: – please register your event by Friday, July 15 to help your local public safety agencies schedule a visit to your event.

For more information visit the Sheriff’s Office website Night to Unite page.

Ramsey County Sheriff’s Office
Minnesota’s First Law Enforcement Agency – Established 1849
425 Grove Street | Saint Paul, Minnesota
Telephone: (651) 266-9333 | Telefacsimile: (651) 266-9301

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