Help Build the Northside Temporary Greenway

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Campaign Materials

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Amazing things happen when people come together! A North Minneapolis Greenway Temporary Project is starting soon and we need your help to build it! This project will give residents an opportunity to experience what an actual greenway could be like. Please indicate if you are interested in volunteering at any of the community build events by filling out this brief survey!

Help Spread the Word
Please help us spread the word about these upcoming events by sharing these opportunities throughout your network. Here are a few ways to do that: 

Share about the opportunities on facebook. Sample facebook message: 

Help us build the Northside Temporary Greenway!
Amazing things happen when people come together. The Grand Opening of the Northside Temporary Greenway is just a couple months away and we need your help! Please indicate if you are interested in volunteering at any of the events by filling out this brief survey:

Share about the opportunities on Twitter. Sample tweet: 

Roll up your sleeves this summer and help us build the Northside Temporary Greenway. Sign up here:

Post a flier about the opportunities in your local coffee shop, place of worship, or other community gathering space. Download the flier here



Slow Roll Twin Cities: Northside Kick-off Ride
Thursday, June 2; 6 – 8 p.m.
Join Slow Roll Twin Cities for a slow-paced group ride, exploring North Minneapolis and Theodore Wirth Parkway.Register >

Northside Greenway Demonstration Applications for Neighborhood Connectors
Due Friday, June 10 at 5 p.m.
Are you connected to the proposed North Minneapolis Greenway project? Do you live in North Minneapolis and are well connected to your neighbors and community? Apply to be a Greenway Demonstration Neighborhood Connector! Find out more >

Find the Northside Greenway Council on Facebook


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Campaign Materials