Shop the Bikes through Mpls police auction

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Shop the Bikes through Mpls police auction

Shop this year’s police auction to find bicycles, jewelry and more. A list of items being auctioned with some photos will be posted to the Minnesota Auction Advantage website two to five days before the auction.

Schedule of 2016 police auctions

• Sept. 29: Bicycle auction.

• Oct. 6: General auction.

Police Department employees may not shop the auctions or bid on items; the auctions are open to all other City employees.
Auctions begin promptly at 6 p.m. You may inspect items in person beginning at 4 p.m. Bring your photo ID to register.
All auctions are held at the Minneapolis Police Warehouse, 6024 Harriet Ave. S.
Terms of the auction:

• All items sold as is.

• Only cash or local checks accepted.

• You must show a Minnesota driver’s license or Minnesota state ID if you write a check, and the address on your driver’s license or ID must be the same as the address on the check.

If you have questions, please call the auction hotline at 612-673-2932.


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