Transformative Equitable Development, Session 6: Inclusive Hiring, Procurement, and DBE Goals

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Transformative Equitable Development for Healthy Communities, Session 6: Inclusive Hiring, Procurement, and DBE Goals

The Twin Cities’ racial and ethnic demographics are rapidly changing. By 2040, people of color immigrants, and American Indians will comprise over half of our population. At the same time, our’ white population is both decreasing and aging. Between 2007 and 2013 only 2,470 white people were added to our region’s workforce – compared to 78,003 people of color and immigrants.

Without a doubt, people of color, immigrants, and American Indians are the future of our region’s economy. Unfortunately, persistent racial disparities in employment remain. As a result, the wealth potential of people of color and American Indians is severely compromised. This, in turn, negatively impacts our region’s economy, as people pay less tax, access fewer goods and services, and fail to fill important roles in the private and public sectors. Our institutions, policies, and relationships both reflect and perpetuate these disparities, ensuring that greater economic opportunity for people of color and American Indians won’t be realized simply through demographic changes. Rather, targeted strategies are necessary.

With the baby boomer generation retiring, an increase in the number of people of color living in Minnesota, and a racial employment gap that remains stark, the future of our state’s economy is challenged. Unless we invest in the workforce of the 21st century, Minnesota’s economy will falter. Luckily, Transformative Equitable Development addresses racial and gender disparities in employment. Public projects and institutions must have equitable hiring goals for people of color and women. Additionally, the private sector should adopt goals to promote greater equity in employment and to achieve a competitive advantage. Hiring goals, however, are just the start. Our region must take a more holistic approach to closing the gap in employment, for example, by prioritizing GED completion and workforce preparedness, and providing subcontracting and procurement opportunities for small businesses of color. Join the Alliance for the fifth session in our Transformative Equitable Development series, where presenters will talk about the work being done to address these needs. 

Transformative Equitable Development, Session 6: Inclusive Hiring, Procurement, and DBE Goals
Monday, August 29; 1 – 3.30 p.m.
Rondo Community Outreach Library
461 Dale Street N
St. Paul, MN

Presenters to be announced!

Light refreshments will be provided. Please register so that we know you are coming!



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