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Campaign Materials
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North Minneapolis is a designated food desert— as the 5th largest in the country—and it is under-represented in retail services, and other new developments, because: a) High unemployment; b) High levels of poverty, with a substantial number of residents living at 200% below poverty rate and huge disparities; c) Ignored—Located near downtown with commercially viable sites that have been passed by in terms of revitalization; d) North High School which was educating 1,000+ students to 200+ currently, drop out rate are rising and educational disparities are some of the worst in the nation; e) High Crime rate; and f) Healthcare disproportionalities.
Another Just released report from the North side Funder Group, points out about over half (51 percent) of African American men (ages 16-64) living in North Minneapolis are not working. In some neighborhoods, this figure tops 65 percent. The statistics about African American male unemployment in the Twin Cities region point to a persistent challenge keeping black males employed in a system that is, in many ways, working against them.
It is such profile, BALL seeks to change, and the 1st step we believe is CONNECTION and PARTNERSHIP, therefore BALL has publicized a monthly eNewsletter to support the information exchange for the Green Movement in order to improve the health disparities at the Northside. Please refer below for the Current Month eNewsletter.
Newest eNewsletter
November 2015[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]