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Campaign Materials

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Project Sweetie Pie (PSP)

North Minneapolis is Going Green. Give us a call and learn what we mean?


Where once lies urban blight now sits luscious garden sites; gardens without borders/classrooms without walls/architects of our own destinies/access to food/justice for all.  What started as a catchy jingo grew into a social justice movement, grew into an initiative promoting educational reform, grew into an afterschool community education program, grew into an emerging nonprofit that supports the development of youth and families in educational initiatives centered around horticulture, entrepreneurship, marketing and promotions, “Project Sweetie Pie” continues to plant the “seeds of change’. We started as an act of social justice and social protest to save North High from the proposed threat of closure. We have grown into a progressive non-profit that serves as an incubator of sustainable thought and action centered on horticulture, urban farming, and green business creation.


Our mission is to inform, infuse, inspire, and instruct. “Project Sweetie Pie”-we’re growing good in the neighborhood. Good food, good schools, good youth and families. Breaking stereotypes, giving voice to the voiceless, transforming communities historically socially engineered to be consumers we continue to lead the way. If awarded this grant we hope to add to our list of accomplishments and small social enterprises a locally led, locally fed curbside collection model that grows good healthy soil. “Green With Envy” “Project Sweetie Pie” the story of a city that came together-worked together on a common goal, for the common good of the youth and families of it’s community. For it takes a village to raise a child.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]