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Campaign Materials

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Pathway Learning Center (PLC).  

Pathway Learning Center (PLC) is a multi-disciplinary arts agency and has committed its resources, time, and artists to engagement with youth in learning arts, through drawing, jewelry making and graphic design.  PLC’s mission is “to teach/produce great Arts that reflect equality and justice from the heart of the immigrant/refugee experience, with a special focus on the Hmong refugee experience.”  By striving for multi-disciplinary opportunities, PLC enhances the connections among immigrant/refugee communities to witness and relate to the each other’s community through Collaborative Arts Learning/Creation Process, in order to strengthen social advocacy and induce social change through ARTS.  For example, PLC has worked with English Language Learner  (ELL) students at Leadership Academy in St Paul, and utilized graphic design as a means to empower these underserved youth by taking them through a series of computer-based workshops, in which they learned to create postcards to illustrate their families and heritages.   Additionally, PLC is partnering with the Multi Cultural Community Alliance (MCCA) in North Mpls, through an effort to meet the unmet cultural and artistic needs of the youth of color, including reframing immigrant experience and cultural identity. Our programs will help youth of color with new awareness of cultural meaning, and their bicultural lifestyles.  Such experience will enrich youth with the new/transformative identity and becoming better able to participate in a changing global community. This proposed Parking Lot Project will help our constituents to reach the above goal and directly address social justice issues though the arts.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]