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Campaign Materials

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LVY Foundation

Since, 2006, LVY Foundation began as a passion to give to others an ability to give while being a blessing that initiates the manifestation of other blessings in our community. This mission grew from hosting small picnics, social gatherings, and sports events to a MOVEMENT FOR CHANGE in our communities to become more unified and prosperous benefiting all of the people that inhabit them.  Our Programs primarily serves North Minneapolis, and NW Metro Suburbs consist of 13 cities/communities.


LVY believes that strong communities are built through empowering the lives of young people preparing them for the future to be an integral part of the development process of a better society.  We want young people to acquire the skills necessary to be the positive change in our society. Our programs are designed to physically and mentally prepare our future leaders for the challenges of life no matter their background.   LVY Foundation equips today’s youth with the mentality, resources, and attitude to permanently give the gift of being a blessing in the lives of others. But the results go beyond getting better grades and cleaning up neighborhoods. LVY programs offer hope, restore dignity, build self-esteem, and create environments where kids feel physically, psychologically, and emotionally capable to make a difference.  This comprehensive “youth focused” approach not only develops communities, but restores hope for a brighter future.