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Campaign Materials

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Tales From the Garden #12

BALL Campaign Honored –
Local Public Health Hero Award from the Minneapolis Department of Health
By: Xianping He

BALL (Bicultural Active Living Lifestyle) Campaign was given the Public Health Local Hero Award during the April 5th, 2016 Award Ceremony with more than 200 in attendance at Minneapolis City Hall. Multi Cultural Community Alliance members – (Asian Media Access, BV Untamed, Pathway Learning Center, and Unique Beginnings Foundation) were all present to receive the honor from the Minneapolis Health Commissioner – Gretchen G. Musicant.

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BALL Announcements

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1. BALL Representative – Tie Oei is selected for the Metropolitan Council: Equity Advisory Committee

We are happy to announce that one of our BALL Initiative representatives, Tie Oei, has been selected to be on the Metropolitan Equity Committee for a 4-year term representing District B (Eden Prairie). She and 16 other community members will be working side by side with 4 designated Metropolitan Council members to bring about equity within the Twin Cities through transit, housing and recreation.

This committee was formed to advises the Metropolitan Council in its work to advance equity in the metropolitan region. In forming the Equity Advisory Committee (EAC) in October 2015, the Metropolitan Council affirms its commitment in Thrive MSP 2040 to ensure that residents and communities are full partners in making the decisions that affect them.

The ultimate goal of this work is to create more equitable outcomes for the people who live and work in the region. For the purpose of this committee, equity is defined by Thrive MSP 2040:

Equity connects all residents to opportunity and creates viable housing, transportation, and recreation options for people of all races, ethnicities, incomes, and abilities so that all communities share the opportunities and challenges of growth and change. For our region to reach its full economic potential, all of our residents must be able to access opportunity. Our region is strong when all people live in communities that provide them access to opportunities for success, prosperity, and quality of life.

This is an important step for BALL Initiative to bring in a cultural integration perspective for the long-term metro area development. The BALL initiative concerns itself with the avenues of transit and complete streets as part of strategies for a healthy lifestyle. Because of this, Tie has been involved in the Blue Line Coalition, Northside Greenway Council and the Community Engagement Steering Committee to advocate for the needs of diverse cultural groups, with below principles

· Equity Transit Oriented Placemaking model

· Thinking Small (ex. small business, small block development), from the bottom up

· Focusing on Evolving Over Time, instead of Revolution Over Night

· Mixed Development to promote Complete Street, instead of all residential or all commercial development

· Avoiding Gentrification Effect on the neighborhoods; it’s important to preserve the characteristics of neighborhoods, along with economic development opportunities.

Tie looks forward to giving BALL a bigger voice within the metro area by bridging the gap between the suburbs and the inner-city through the transit system. In the next 4 years, Tie will be working towards public transportation becoming increasingly user friendly and accessible to all of the residents in the Twin Cities, with a bicultural twist. Feel free to contact her with your views at
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2. North Minneapolis Interactive Mapping Project Update

BALL has been actively pursuing a vision of an Interactive Map for North Minneapolis. We have been doing our own internal research and have been engaging with other organizations to realize our vision. It is in this pursuit that we recently met with The Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) at the University of Minnesota to bring us closer to achieving our goals. In partnership with CURA, BALL will very soon launch our Interactive Map for North Minneapolis.

About CURA:

CURA pursues its urban and regional mission by facilitating and supporting connections between state and local governments, neighborhoods, and nonprofit organizations, and relevant resources at the University, including faculty and students from appropriate campuses, colleges, centers or departments. CURA delivers timely and innovative research and technical assistance, offering solutions to critical issues by working to:

• Collaborate with communities and agencies to define and address their research and technical assistance needs
• Assist faculty to produce high-quality, applied research on critical issues
• Expand the education and professional experience of students through applied research projects
• Disseminate research results to the community, policy makers, and academics
• Convene public events for the discussion of issues, the exploration of policy alternatives, and the identification of new research opportunities

CURA has graciously accepted to assist BALL for this project and we will be providing everyone in the community, whether organization or citizen, a comprehensive overview of the demographic and resource landscape in North Minneapolis. With a combination of Census, American Community Survey (ACS), and Public Resource Directory data, the North Minneapolis Interactive Map will highlight what the community looks like from a variety of viewpoints. Census and ACS data will be used to highlight 4 distinct ethnic communities that comprise North Minneapolis and paint a picture of where they stand in terms of population concentration, education attainment, economic standing, and other factors measured by the Census and ACS.

The City of Minneapolis does a great job mapping various statistics and resources, and this data will be leveraged for a portion of the Public Resource Directory data, which will be a collection of publicly available datasets (i.e. Transit Maps /City of Minneapolis, Hennepin County/, Crime Maps /Minneapolis Police Department/, Farmers Markets, etc) as well as points of interest in North Minneapolis that have been collected by BALL (i.e. Park & Recreational Facilities, Culturally Specific Grocers, Exercise Facilities and Opportunities, etc). All of these sets will be able to be overlayed, which will definitely create a better sense of what North Minneapolis looks like.

Will there be food deserts?
Who doesn’t have access to Exercise Facilities?
How dangerous (based on crime history) is taking specific bus routes?

It is with this data that we at BALL hope to shed more light on and continue a conversation about the current and future state of North Minneapolis at large. We hope to facilitate the allocation of resources for the betterment of the community that we support and represent and we believe that the visualization of the current climate will be a valuable resource for all who call North Minneapolis their home. We are very excited to be so close to fruition and will be sure to shout it from the mountaintops of North Minneapolis (Farview Park?!) once this invaluable resource is readily available to our community.

Thank you to all those who have been supporting BALL in this pursuit, we could not have done it alone!

Please check the BALL website often for updates:
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