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Campaign Materials

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Tales From the Garden #10

Youth Voices about Food and Access
By: Maya Park

In an effort to better understand about food access and nutrition in BALL targeted North Minneapolis neighborhoods and schools, Youthprise has conducted a series of surveys among youth, 122 surveys were collected, and have demonstrated a worrisome trend at the Northside.

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BALL Announcements

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1. New BALL Website launched

After 6 months preparation, the BALL Website has successfully launched. The Website has included:

• BALL Campaign — learn more about the BALL, and download the Campaign materials;
• Bicultural Healthy Living Strategy — learn innovative strategies and see how you can join the Movement;
• Interactive N. Mpls Map — find events/exercise opportunities near you;
• Monthly eNewsletter — keep you connected with the North side;
• People Behind the BALL — meet the Think Tank and our sponsors; and
• Updates — read the news announcements, and see event photos

Check it out and provide us some feedbacks and what you would like to see more of, at[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text title=”” disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ animation=”” el_class=”ball-cam”]

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2. Lunar New Year Celebration — How BALL can help Asian Americans keep fit during the Holiday Seasons.

Lunar New Year has come at Feb 8th — the Year of Fire Monkey, many celebrations hosted around the Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese American communities. BALL Partners — Pan Asian Arts Alliance and Pathway Learning Center have teamed up during the Lunar New Year season, to present: 1) Active Living idea through PAAA’s Asian Dance Performances, and 2) adding the Green Prescription reminder from PLC to support people making healthier choices — having fun with families, but not overdoing with holiday food, and continue to exercise during the holidays. The Team has outreached to more than 5 Lunar New Year events throughout the Twin Cities, to jointly celebrate the holidays, but remind people for the Bicultural Healthy Living.[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″ title=”Dance Performance for Lunar New Year Celebration”][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”35″ title=”Dance Performance for Lunar New Year Celebration”][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ el_class=”ball-cam”]

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3. Additionally, at BALL Blog, it has reminded families during the holiday season to:

1. Keep the focus on fun, not food. Indulge in only the most special holiday treats. For example in the Chinese new year eve dinner, the dumpling is the most special dish, and when families prepare the dumplings, they will hind the couple coins in the dumplings, who gets to bite on the coins, who will have the best luck at coming year. It’s fun to eat the dumplings to find the coins, but keep in mind not overdoing it.

2. Stay physically active during the holidays. A study conducted by the U.S. government found adults gained, on average, more than a pound of body weight during the winter holidays — and that they were not at all likely to shed that weight the following year. The good news is that the people who reported the most physical activity through the holiday season showed the least weight gain. Some even managed to lose weight.

3. Toast the new year with just one glass of bubbly.
Alcohol can interfere with your blood sugar by slowing the release of glucose into the bloodstream; it also contain a lot of calories — 89 calories per glass of white wine or champagne, 55 calories in a shot of vodka, and 170 calories in a pint of stout beer. What’s more, alcohol breaks down your inhibitions and judgment, which makes you that much less likely to resist the junk foods that you would otherwise be able to pass by.

Good tips and much needed reminders!!![/vc_column_text][vc_separator color=”custom” align=”align_center” accent_color=”#4f6a35″][vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ el_class=”ball-cam”]


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4. Feb is also the Black History Month

Feb is also the Black History Month. Black History month is a time to celebrate and reflect on the full range of African-American achievements in history. It’s also a time to act to ensure more opportunities for today’s and tomorrow’s generations to reach their full potential.

Our partner Northpoint Health and Wellness has reminded us how African Americans are targeted by the tobacco industry. For decades, the tobacco industry has marketed menthol cigarettes specifically to African-American people. They advertised in Black publications, placed store and outdoor advertising in Black neighborhoods, sponsored music and sporting events, and made donations to Black community organizations.

All of this was revealed to be part of a deliberate targeted marketing strategy during the tobacco trials of the 1990s. The result: 88% of Black smokers use menthol. Today, there are many more restrictions on how companies can promote cigarettes. They can’t advertise on television or use cartoon characters that appeal to kids. But targeted advertising continues on billboards in Black neighborhoods, signage in shops frequented by Black people and in Black magazines. Look at these ads for Newport from the 1980s and today — it’s clear not much has changed.

Research shows adding menthol to cigarettes makes it easier for people, including young people, to start smoking and makes it harder to quit. African-Americans smoke at higher rates, have higher incidence of cancer and heart disease from smoking, and worse outcomes from those diseases than the general population. Tobacco plays a big role in these disturbing disparities. Conversations about reducing menthol’s devastating impact in the Black community are underway in Minnesota.[/vc_column_text][mk_image src=”” image_width=”800″ image_height=”350″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″ title=”1999 Newport Menthol Tobacco Ad Targeting African Americans”][vc_googleplus type=”medium” annotation=”none”][vc_tweetmeme type=”none”][vc_facebook type=”button_count”][/vc_column][/vc_row]