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Campaign Materials

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Tales From the Garden #21

By Ange Hwang

Project PHILIP Accomplishment – Project PHILIP has provided increased number of activities and events to families and community members to improve healthy living lifestyle.

Cultural diverseness has always been an important characteristic of PROJECT PHILIP program, since it serves population of several cultural and ethnical backgrounds. Bicultural Active Living Lifestyle campaigns played the outreaching role as they were in the previous year. Generally, 400 sessions of direct services and events were provide for youth and families, and over 123,000 person-times received PROJECT PHILIP program’s services or participated in large scale outreaching events in Year II, which was tremendous. Key events are listed below:

1) March 16, 2016 – Minnesotans for Healthy Kids Day. As part of the MN for Healthy Kids Coalition, BALL has joined nearly 300 partners from across MN to get together to support for kids’ health. And this year is especially relevant for BALL, as the 2016 agendas are to better design: 1) the Physical Education Standards and 2) Safe Routes to School with Walking and Biking.

2) May 14, 2016 – BALL Campaign kick-off for Pan Asians. Successfully kicked off the BALL Campaign at the Mall of America during Pan Asian Heritage month. This event is a kick off for the Bicultural Active Living Lifestyle (BALL) Campaign, through collaboration among Asian American & Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) cultural groups, to present and demonstrate cultural dances, in order to support better understanding and access to cultural integration physical exercises. With TV Wall’s showcasing the BALL activities, life-size BALL Posters hanging over the stage, along with information booth to present information cards and printed booklets/brochures/fact sheet, participants have a chance to fully understand the importance of cultures impacting on health, and how to utilizing the cultural exercises to mobilizes immigrants and refugees to exercise more and provide the opportunity for the mainstream community to see the possibilities of using cultures to improve the healthy living through a bicultural lens.

3) A Summer-Long Cultural Exercise Opportunities throughout Northside. BALL has teamed up with the Minneapolis Park and Rec to offer cultural exercises, such as: Asian Dance; Zumba; African Drum/Dance, to encourage immigrant/refugee members to take pride in exercises with their cultural heritage activities.

4) June at Open Street Events.

5) July at Block Parties, Summer Festivals and Greenway events.

6) August at State Fair. BALL has ended the summer fun with the special Asian Dance Drama Performance – WATER. Reaching thousands audiences, BALL Campaign has joined many others to celebrate the National Park Service’s 100-year anniversary in August of 2016 at the State Fair. Our dance drama opened with “WATER” theme, along a story line portraying how water in all different forms (rain, river, ocean, etc.) and nurtures diverse lands in MN. Our Dance Drama has drew diverse interests for the Green/Park Prescription concepts, people picked up brochures, asked questions, but most importantly – the appreciation/conservation of WATER, and how WATER fosters harmony between humans and nature.

7) Sept 17 Midwest Kpop Festival. With more than 1500 people crowded the University of MN’s Northrop lobby, AMA has once again successfully shared our Bicultural Active Living Lifestyle (BALL) Campaign with diverse audiences, mostly under 30s – a crowd that fascinating with Korean Pop culture. Additionally, AMA dance team Zephoriah has won the 3rd place that night, and demonstrated how we can effectively use cultural exercise as a tool to support the Asian American youth.

8) Successful Fall-Winter Outreach Activities, especially during ethnic holiday celebrations, such as: Hmong New Year in Nov and Dec, and Lunar New Year Celebrations at Jan- Feb, 2017.
Throughout the various events, the highlight came at Feb 4th Science Museum – Asian Fusion Day, where we combine Asian Health Beliefs along with diverse Asian performance skits to highlight the importance of integration of Western and Eastern Healthy Living practices together. Our 2 hour presentation has drew diverse interests for the Cultural Exercise and Green/Park Prescription concepts, people picked up brochures, asked questions, but most importantly – the appreciation of Bicultural Healthy Living, and how to foster harmony between East and West health philosophies.

9) Holiday Health Fair at Dec. 10th, 2016. Led by Asian Media Access, along with all partners from Multi Cultural Community Alliance (MCCA), we have successfully host a Community Health Fair at the Hmong International Academy. With more than 300+ immigrant/refugee, and low-income families, came in to learn about the Bicultural Healthy Living practices, along with other health access resources.

10) Adding Additional Cultural Exercises in the New Year 2017 for the Northside Community. Asian Media Access has added Japanese Dance, Korean Pop Dance, and Thai Boxing to our BALL cultural Exercise selections.

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BALL Announcements

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1. The Blueprint Institute by Minneapolis Health Department

This is an initiative organized by the City of Minneapolis, which recognizes that youth violence is a public health epidemic that requires a holistic, multi-faceted response. Drawing on a mix of increased law enforcement and public health strategies to address the root causes of violence and significantly reduce and prevent youth violence in Minneapolis, the city, in partnership stakeholders, created the Blueprint for Action to support all youth in Minneapolis ages 10-24. Asian Media Access has been participated at Blueprint Action since May 2016.
Asian Media Access is a comprehensive community media arts education agency supporting to cohort to work together to STOP the violence at Northside. Others are: Project Sweetie Pie, Minneapolis Public Schools, and Minneapolis Urban League, etc. Through all sessions, we talked about many aspects, such as youth violence prevention from a Public-Health Perspective. The Cohort has been provided many capacity building opportunities, such as: ACES study, Evidence-Based Programs & Logic Model Training, Historical Trauma, Community Engagement & Public Participation, Use of Website and Social Media, Program Evaluation, Focus Group Methodology and more on.
There are couple of successful projects through Blueprint funding, including the Flow hosted by Asian Media Access. It has put creative into Violence Prevention & a neighborhood get-together to share violence prevention message through performing arts and neighborhood bonding. Since preventing violence and solving crime is a community-wide effort. Flow at Plymouth is an excellent opportunity that helps the City building relationships with citizens and create safer neighborhood, the it finally achieves the violence prevention goals.

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2. Fifth Annual Every Kid HealthyTM Week: April 24-28,2017!

Every child in the United States should be well-nourished, physically active, healthy and ready to learn. Sadly, they’re not. One in three kids in this country is either overweight or obese. But they don’t have to be. Schools are a big part of the solution and you can be too.

It’s going to take a nation of moms, dads and other caring individuals – people just like you – to raise their hands and lend their voices to the fight against childhood obesity so every kid can be healthy and ready to learn. Working together, we can give kids the keys to health and academic success, one school at a time. So take the Every Kid Healthy Pledge and ask your friends and family to do the same. It takes just 10 seconds.

[mk_image src=”” image_width=”680″ image_height=”395″ crop=”true” svg=”false” lightbox=”true” frame_style=”simple” target=”_self” title=”Fifth Annual Every Kid HealthyTM Week: April 24-28,2017!” caption_location=”inside-image” align=”left” margin_bottom=”10″][vc_column_text title=”” disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ animation=”” el_class=”ball-cam”] [vc_column_text disable_pattern=”true” align=”left” margin_bottom=”0″ el_class=”ball-cam”] [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]