Passing the BALL we are in this together

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Campaign Materials

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Healthy Food/Nutrition System

Community Garden/Farmer Market Map.  The food environment has an impact on how people eat and how healthy they are. Larger numbers of fast food stores in an area result in people consuming more fast food, whereas better access to healthy food outlets may improve fruit and vegetable consumption.  Additionally, many urban gardens produce fresh produces, to decrease area chronic diseases.   In the 2010 Hennepin County SHAPE survey, 29.5% of North Minneapolis residents reported eating 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables during the previous day, compared with 39% of all Minneapolis residents. Healthy food outlets are places where people can go to get fresh fruits and vegetables along with other healthy foods like lean proteins and whole grains. In North Minneapolis healthy food outlets include grocery stores, mini-marts, enhanced convenience stores, farmer’s markets, and community gardens.


The map displays where healthy food outlets are limited and which residents lack access at North side. Pay attention to areas which are not covered by the icon, these are areas where residents live more than 1/4 mile away from any healthy food outlet. As people can see, many of the food resources in North Minneapolis are community gardens, which may not be accessible to everyone depending on the garden’s policies. People can also see that while areas closer to downtown have many enhanced convenience stores and grocery stores, the farther north are areas that could benefit from more of these establishments.


Maps are still under construction, will be linked soon….[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]