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Campaign Design

Guerrilla Marketing is a strategy that focuses on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum results.   The term guerrilla marketing was inspired by guerrilla warfare, which is a form of irregular warfare and relates to the small tactic strategies used by armed civilians.  This alternative marketing style relies heavily on alternative tactics that are high energy and imaginative to take viewers by surprise, make an unforgettable impression and raise the volume among the social buzz.   Guerrilla Marketing is a good match with our grassroots campaign to reach a large audience without the huge budget.


Campaign Audience

This Guerrilla Marketing approach encourages African American/Black and Asian American youth to be physically active everyday.   The Campaign combines both earned media, and other unconventional, surprising tactics, and partnership efforts to reach the distinct audiences, with a special focus on African American/Black and Asian American youth at North Minneapolis.



  • Increase African American/Black and Asian American youth’s “Bicultural Healthy Living” knowledge and improve attitudes about cultural exercise options in physical activity
  • Increase parental and mentors’ support and encouragement of youth’ participation in physical activity with additional cultural exercise options
  • Facilitate opportunities for youth to lead Guerrilla Marketing strategies in supporting their peers with awareness of options and opportunities for more participation in physical activity


Target Audience – African American/Black and Asian American Youth

Utilizing the Guerrilla Marketing strategies, to

  • Make physical activity cool and fun for youth, reminding them to KEEP MOVING every day
  • Encourage creativity to promote physical activities by youth and for youth. Youth can use their imagination and pass on the “BALL.” The more creative our youth get, the more fun their peers will have


Campaign Materials and Activities include:

  • Street Interview – Video/Radio Interviewing about people’s reflections about the Bicultural Healthy Living, to catch people’s attention and recognition for being physically active.
  • North Mpls Pop Up Arts Event – Get youth moving with this action-packed POP UP EXERCISE EVENT at summer festivals throughout North side.  Youth set up a lot of cultural exercise tools, such as: yo-yo, hula hoop, ribbon, jumping flags, and jumping ropes, etc., to encourage exercises
  • Sidewalk Chat – Stencil Design with BALL Logo, and “Exercise” across the logo in various languages on North Mpls Sidewalks.  Since it can be a challenge to remember to exercise daily, youth will stencil the creative art design with exercise in front of neighbors’ doorways to encourage people coming out and exercise together
  • Animation – Youth develop 2D drawings and 3D animations, focusing on cute characters to attract younger kids to exercise
  • 13 Rap songs – Positive raps exposes to the BALL experience, and highlights the Bicultural Healthy Living
  • 13 RadioASIA 30-min Programs – About neighborhood’s African America/Black and Asian American youth’s (6th – 12th Graders) comments of bicultural healthy living
  • Video PSAs – Video PSAs will introduce the Bicultural Healthy Living
  • Sticky Mobile – AMA Van sticks with many post-it notes, adult can also write down their thoughts about “What Healthy Living look like to you??”
  • Peer-to-Peer Education Postcards – Youth designed motivational postcards for their peers to have a healthy life style, publicized at the youth run Weblog
  • Youth Weblog – Youth In Charge Weblog –, along with daily youth’s own blog entries to reach their Facebook friends about their BALL engagement.   